
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 04:28:21
最近半年时事政治(最好是直到现在的) 那位知道现在国内的时事政治有哪些? 2012截至今天的时事政治 要全面 今天你看新闻了吗. 7月15日至今天的时政 28.45when mr.jones gets old,he will ___over his business to his sona.take b.thinkc.handd.get 高中议论文怎么写才算好的 1.Did the policeman c_____ the thief at last? 简单的英语问题 请告诉我原因 16.42supermarkets provide us with a large__of goods to choose froma.typeb.rangec.varietyd.sort She used to be good( )History at school.空中两个字母.急. 4.39she is very__about what she wears and eatsa.popularb.specificc.speciald.particular 针对社会现实的议论文多来几篇 一千字就够了 有关表面与真实的议论文,急 九色鹿在开满鲜花的草地上睡得正香.(缩句) —Haven't seen you for ages.Where have you been?-I_____ to New York City.I just got back.A.was sent B.have been sent C.had been sending D.would be sent 五六朵鲜花竞相开放.(用上合适的修辞手法使句子更生动具体) 怎么改啊还有( )的希望! I haven't seen you for ages.Where have you been?I_____on leave in Europe.A.have been B.am C.was He told his father that no news ( ) good news.A.isB.areC.was为什么不选C?但是,“没有消息是好消息”也是真理或常理吗? peter's father is _____(they)Chinese teacher. That day he told his father what/that(用哪个) he had been waiting to hear. His father is a teacher ( )Chinese.His father is a teacher ( )Chinese.A.in B.at C.of D.with he told me that his father had died and that he had to make a living alone为什么一定要加that Miss Yang is ___Chinese teacher.(they)适当形式 改错 1.Kates father is an English teacher 2.Who is they?They are our teachers.3.I brothers like their English teacher.4.His sister English is very good. 平时经常积累英语单词的来单词在2-4个字母的有哪些(如:see eye head这一类的单词)能想到哪一些说出来,不要重复.要加上汉语 到那里积累英语单词我英语不好很想好一点 after a short rest,she felt even____(bad)说明理由 After a short break,she continued( )A.on dancingB.to dancingC.in dancingD.with dancing 16.41i came here__tosee youa.aprticularlyb.especiallyc.generallyd.specially She always __(read) books after school(答对获悬赏金10000)4.My father sometimes ____(play) football with me at weekends.5.Sam___ (do) his homework every night.6.The boys always____ (ride) their bikes to go to the park.1.Look!They ______ (play) 比起看电视,她更喜欢看书.She ____ reading books ,than _____ TV. what does she do after lunch?她午后看书.