
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 20:20:23
Listen!she____(sing) 如图是A分子的球棍模型和B分子的比例模型,回答下列问题:(1)A和B的关系是_____________________.(2)写出A分子在催化剂存在条件下加热和氧气反应的化学方程式_____________________.(3)A和B都可 淘干了鱼塘捉鱼.比喻取之不留余地,只顾眼前利益,不做长远打算.是新课标人教版六年级(上)学业测评归类二 今天到湖里抓了几条野生鱼,请问除了湖水,到底是用自来水还是过滤的水 Listen!She in the classroom.A.sing B.sings C.singing D.is singing 为什么 He has been to Shanghai __twice__.(对划线部分提问)____ ____ ____ has he been to Shanghai? He has been there twice 划线提问twice There are four desk in that small reading yoom.(对four提问)bbb john has been to the USA twice,对划线部分提问 划the USA_____ _____john_____twice? There are four windows in her room,就划线部分提问(一共三个问题)画线部分是four 填空是:_____ ____ windows______ ______in her room第二个问题:our school has twenty classroom.变为一般疑问句第三个问题:on\are\ there are four room in my house 对four提问 What kind of life should we live - Realistic or Romantic 作文 急急急 Could I ask you a rather personal question?的回答应该是什么?有四个选项AYes don't worry B Of couse go ahead C Yes help yourselfD Of course why not 要发表具体的看法呀 我认为这里有说 a rather PENSONAL question,A选项的do Could I ask you a ratherpersonal question?Of course,__.A.never mind B.go ahead选哪一个? ---- Could I ask you a rather personal question,Sir?---- Sure,____.A.you could B.my pleasure C.good idea D.go ahead为什么选D其它有什么含义呢?为什么不行? Could I ask you a rather personal question?A. Of course , go ahead B. No problem什么区别 Could I ask you a rather personal question?Sure,____ 元素周期表里的套族元素最高化合价是用什么确定的 元素周期表中的副族有没有最高或最低化合价,有的话怎么求 the doctor suggested the man have an operation at once这里的have为什么不用原形,又为什么不能用must have? The doctor suggested that the patient_____an operation without delay.A.must have B.had to have C.had D.have what did the doctor say about your mother's illness?He suggested that she ___an opreation at once. The doctor insisted that he _____somking at once.A.quitsB.quitC.must quitD.would quit 英语翻译 The doctor says that he will come at once给医生打电话是过去的事了 为什么是doctor says而不是doctor said呢 If I become rich,what should I do?英语小短文咱英语差到好处叻~ 英语翻译这里的should是什么用法, 中文马铃薯怎么翻译印地语马来语感谢了 大料是什么东西 请问食用调料中的大料是些什么东西 是否只要一级电离完全的酸就是强酸硫酸二级电离不完全,居然也是强酸? 有一种酸可以发生完全电离,可以证明它是强酸吗