
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 09:51:39
已知飞轮边缘一点角加速度β半径R,求法相加速度, 飞轮半径为0.4m,自静止启动,其角加速度为0.2转每秒,求t=2s时边缘上各点的速度、法向加速度、切向加速度、合加速度. meter在诗歌中是什么意思? meter是什么意思 "meter"的中文意思 下面是一个拓展是描写句,他首先点出描写对象,接着对描写对象进行详尽的描绘.你能按此特点仿写一个句子这南方初春的田野,大块小块的新绿随意地铺着,有的浓,有的淡;树上的嫩芽也密了 I find a set of k___ in the room.His English book is l____.RT这是1个连句` In the library,I found a useful book____how to use English grammar.答案为hanving explained,为什么 一台织布机一小时织布21米,5小时4台同样的织布机共织布多少米 、 Students of English will find the book very ___(use)填适当形式 I can't find my English book. Jim,I can't find my English book.--It may be in your bag.--____.A.Ah,so is it B.Ah,so it is C.Ah,so does it D.Ah,so it does 把3根同样为10cm厘米的木头,用绳子捆成一捆.如果绑3圈,需要多长的绳子?(接头不记) 最好说出思路,觉得麻烦就不用说思路.解答1下. 有三根直径都是2分米的圆柱形木材,想用一根绳子把他们捆成一捆,捆三圈最短需要多少分米长的绳子? 把4根直径都是2分米的木头捆在一起,捆成4圈,最后接头处用绳25厘米.至少用了多少厘米的绳子 consistency You should have put the book where you found it.的翻译? 英语翻译1111你应该把书放在你找得到的地方 地球的表面为5.1亿平方米,其中海洋面积约为陆地面积的2.4倍,海洋面积和陆地面积各是多少亿平方米?请用数量关系解方程 --How do you find the book?--_____.A.RightB.EnoughC.All rightD.Terrible there is no dictionary you can find everything.a.that b.which c.where ...there is no dictionary you can find everything.a.that b.which c.where d.in how did you find the book?=how do you think about?还是 how did you think about? how do you find the book?________ I mean what do you think of the book? how do you like the new book i find it ( ) difficult( )how do you like the new book i find it ( ) difficult( )A.a little ;to understand B.a little ;to understand itc.a few ;to understand D.a few ;to underatand it ____ do you find the book?选什么?____ do you find the book?It's very interesting.A.Where B.How C.Why D.When选什么? 可是知道得数了是要用比例的方程解, The teacher was surprised to find that the boy was so clever.-------- ----------- ----------,the teacher found that the boy was so clever. volts/meter是什么意思 We _____ surprised to find that the farmer was so honest. thermo-meter什么意思 i glanced at my watch that was surprised to found it was 1 o'clockglanced at 为什么不能改成noticed 或saw 货币形态的演变经历了哪几个阶段?今后的发展方向如何?