
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 20:44:28
怎么做一个科学小发明 g-star翻译成中文叫什么牌子 做一个科学小发明,要使用 如何制作科学小发明 写两句有关诚信的名言警句 定语从句关系代词有哪些? 定语从句中先行词my best friend关系代词使用什么? 小学自制科学小发明我有这样的材料;35CM左右的精致棍子,还有8CM的精致棍子,有很多条,有铁石[磁铁],闹钟的时针.分针.秒针,还有铁环,瓶子.盒子.硬纸板.弹簧.用这些材料可以做什么科学小发 自制热气球算科学小发明吗?急. 如何制作科技小发明?一定要图或手工制作 急求一个科技小发明...不要复制的..稍微简单一点..有一定的实用价值..别说什么手电筒羽毛球就行...要有一定的实用价值哇!不要那些什么手电筒么的..要贴近生活,对生活中的一些不好的小细 Michael Greenberg is a very popular New Yorker.He is not famous in sports or the arts.全文翻译. In England,one of the most popular kinds of food is fish and chips.的翻译 选择:James likes to have a friend ____ can play the guitar.A.why B.where C.how D.who play的形式有哪些?He likes to ——(play) guitar 在这里填什么? jim likes to play (the guitar)就括号内提问 人活一生到底为了什么?生命到底该怎么度过? 巴氏杀菌乳和高温灭菌乳有区别吗? 灭菌乳与巴氏杀菌乳之间的区别 He likes____(listen)to music.Me,too括号里按正确形式填空 He likes to listen to music when he is doing homeworkHe likes to listen to music ____ ____ ____ He always do what he likes best:(listen还是listening) to music He likes reading and listen to music.(改为否定句) He _____ ______ reading or listening to music. would you like some fish?可以用Good idea回答吗? --Would you like ( ) some fish --Yes,thank you. I hate it when it is rainsI hate it中it作什么成分第一个it作什么成分 But l take a taxi when it后面填什么啊.A rains B rained Cwill rain D is rainingBut l take a taxi when it后面填什么啊.A rains B rained Cwill rain D is raining 连接仪器装置,把玻璃管插入带孔橡胶塞,先将玻璃管口用______,然后对准橡胶塞上的孔稍稍用力________连接玻璃管和胶皮管,先把玻璃管口用________,然后稍稍用力即可把包里观察入胶皮管在容器 带孔橡胶塞怎么弄啊?我有了玻璃管和胶塞 插不进去 还有插完了玻璃管里面的橡胶怎么弄出来 玻璃管如何插入带孔橡胶塞 We see her when she isn't making a movie in Hollywood什么意思 We see her when she isn't making a movie Hollywood.Her life in Hollywood as a movie star.We see her when she isn't making a movie Hollywood.Her life in Hollywood as a movie star.