
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 14:01:37
英语翻译1.There is an element there about competition though,isn't there?我实在看不懂,是一篇文章的第一句,没头没脑的感觉.2.if you don't like a particular kind of big beans,.请问particular词性,kind词性,分别修饰什么 let's sit and down哪个词错了 并改正 网站down掉的down在汉语中对应哪个词啊?我们经常说网站down掉了,这里的down在汉语里对应的是哪个词啊?我也常看到“The site is down”.这里的down要想换成名词形式的一个单词,应该用什么单词?比 It's time to get up .the little girl is putting on her clothes中为什么要用to get The little girl came to the city for the first time and got _______(lose)用括号里单词的适当形式填空说明原因 the little girl had a good time 的同义句急 by the time 用于什么时态 英语翻译请翻译Collecting she as is very interesting. 按要求写单词 down同义词( ) like.best同义词( ) 短语和单词在子句中出现有何区别:如 sit sit down两个单词意思相同,如sit sit down 可一个是短语 一个是单词 在用法上有何区别 举个例子 be加动词ing吗句子就单单个be后面有个动词加ing吗he`must`be___(water)the`graen`now是用watering吗 be动词后面要加ing吗? be动词后一定要加v.ing吗的 interested和interesting的用法区别 interesting和interested的区别 There's yet an element of doubt that the man is equal to the job.翻成中文是能胜任还是不能胜任?也就是说there's yet and element of doubt……到底是有疑问还是没疑问?是there's yet an element of doubt,刚才不小心写成 How many phosphorus atoms are there in 2.57g of this element? interested和interesting的区别 有没有关于关心的四字词?5个 表示寒冷的四字词,要1~5个! 3至5年级词语盘点四字词谁有啊?说完了就给分. jack is the only one of the few students who___ english wellA.seaks B.speak C.say D.tell 选哪个,为什么? 1,The boy is only eight years old ,but he can speak english well.(改为同义句) ———the boy isonly eight years old,he can speak english well.2,Tim doesn't look the same as Tom.(改为同义句)Tim looks ___ ___Tom. He is the only one of the student in our school _____ the paino well.为什么不能用that play 要用who play.不是the only修饰必须that么 The only r___ for four summer jobs was to speak English well 怎么回答what subjects do you have at school? What subjects does he ___ at school?A.studiesWhat subjects does he ___ at school?A.studies B.study C.studying 将下列河流与其注入的海洋连接起来A尼罗河 1大西洋B刚果河 2印度洋C尼日尔河 3地中海D赞比西河 描写危险的四字词 写一个描写很紧急的四字词 he is the only one of the students who is good at singing :(1)可以锻炼孩子的动手能力和解 ,做家务劳动有哪些好处 决问题的能力;用英语怎么说