
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 21:56:51
[学英语的进来]求发这个音的字母组合我想起个英文名,我的名字是:ní luó求发这个音的字母组合,比如:[nirə],可稍有差别注:男,170的个头,瘦,不潇洒,没野心以下名字我不想要LeonNero three quarters of the students能否说成three quarters students Three fourths of the information on the Internet _in English A.am B.is c.Are D.be 答案是什么五分钟之内加分 Three quarters 为什么不是Third quarters呢? It's said that three quarters of the world's books and newspapers are ___(write) in English. 单项选择.Three quarters of the world's books and newspapers _____ written in English.A.isB.areC.hasD.have ___of the world's books and newspapers___written in EnglishA Three quarters;is B Threequarter;are C Three quarters;are D Threes quarter;are 我想问下考GRE到底需要多少词汇量呢? GRE的词汇量到底需要多少如题 GRE的词汇量到底需要多少.背完红宝够不够阿. What is this/that?与What is this/that in English?What is this/that?与What is this/that in English? 这两句求解, What's this in English? What's that in EnglWhat's this in English?What's that in English?What color is it?It's yellow.的翻译 用所给的词语造句 提示:this,and,what,it,that编写一个意义相对完整的语段 关于 雅思 托福 GRE 四六级的问题我现在刚初三(北京,学的外研版).成绩还成,学过剑桥,公英.现在想自学上述的(雅思 托福 GRE 四六级)之一.对我来说那个更容易学?随便哪个都行.PS 别从别 GRE的词汇量问题.我背红宝一共7、8千的词汇量~~再加上4、6级的词汇也没有22000?22000的词汇量是怎么算的? 谁知道GRE改革后词汇量要求是多少? The brown monkey is much bigger.这句子对吗 The yellow monkey is tall than the brown monkey 哪里有错? The monkey is brown.It___(likes/can)climb trees.请问空格里填哪个单词?原因? 怎样才能让我手机上的电子词典可以使用啊~我手机上是自带电子词典的,但是不知道那个词库是被我删了还是咋回事,打开说是文件不存在~想请问一下高手怎样才可以使用哦~我的手机是夏新m3 好易通牛津100电子词典为何按键不好使?开机后,显示基本的目录.再按其他的键子都没有反映.电池是新换的没有问题.中间帮助上面的那个孔是恢复吗?好易通牛津1000电子词典为何按键不好使? 好用的英语电子词典如题.中考将近,希望能提高口语并在英语中考上取得好成绩~希望买可接入usb.适用MP3文件,附听力的英语电子词典.最重要的是要质量好、发声准,其次,实用、经济实惠.请问 They can speak some chinese.对some提问: [ ][ ]chinese[ ]they speak?Taht is a shirt of Mr. Wang's.=That is [ ] [ ]Mr. Wang's [ ].Lucy has some cousins.对some提问[ ][ ]cousins [ ]Lucy have? Even in some big cities in China,you can find people _____ (eat) humbergers.如题 求详解 chinese people speak chinese是什么意思 Can he speak some Chinese?还是Can he speak any Chinese? 连词成句 1.pen longer This than is one that 2.51kg than me Bob is he stronger is连词成句1.pen longer This than is one that 2.51kg than me Bob is he stronger is gre词汇量要求是多少? Ben can speak Chinese 改为一般疑问句 并作出否定回答 汉字拼音与英文字母是如何对应的?一直很好奇,英文字母是26个,汉语拼音也有26个。世上会有如此巧合的事情么?他们之间到底有什么渊源呢?而且,汉语拼音与英文字母是如何能够一一 I can not speak Chinese.(改为一般疑问句) 谁能推荐几首经典的英文歌曲吧? 为什么英文字母和汉语拼音一样