
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:42:25
This is the film she told me about .这个句子 Stella have to do her homework first.这个句子 She is going to have coffee with herself.这个句子 Do you really have to decide immediately?这个句子 对的直接说对,错的把正确的说出 she wrote to me about a week( )填空 ---What delicious cakes!--They would taste( )with butter.A good B better C worst D bad说明选择理由 完形填空one day,a student was talking a walk with his good friend. what delicious cakes They would taste _____with butterAofB aboutC forD out为什么 what delicious cakes They would taste _____with butterAofB aboutC forD out 谁给“夏宇”这个名字起个英文名? 一篇至少50字的介绍自己的英语短文急求 What delicious cakes They would taste ____ with butter.A.good B.better C.bad D.worse最好有一定的解释! YOu are the only boy in my life.谁能帮我翻译下 Boy,you were my only human翻译成中文是什么意思? 翻译句子:The boy that was here a minute ago is my brother. yesterday she about it中间填什么 They________ have told me about it yesterday. she didn't ___ me about it A:toldshe didn't ___ me about it A:told B:tell C:telling D;tells 2.You me about it yesterday.A.told B.tell C.talked 可数名词和不可数名词的缩写是什么 不可数名词的缩写,与可数名词的缩写 不可数名词和可数名词的缩写 可数名词和不可数名词缩写. 初三英语two-thirds of the population in this villageTwo-thirds of the population in this village -----famers ,but only two-sevenths of the land here----farm land答案是are,is我觉得都是is 以前我们老师说根据of后面的名词确定 单句改错:Two thirds of the population of China is farmers, I am from China.I am a student.I can speak_______well. Hi,I am calling from HK,can you speak english or just chinese? Wang Hong can speak English,__I can't填什么 观冰河世纪有感的英语表示观《冰河世纪》有感的英语表示 为什么 three quarters of the population 的be动词用are? the history of this skill More than three quarters of the population are Chinese.句中be动词为什么用了复数?不可数名词be动词只能用单数,难道population有什么特殊的用法吗?请赐教? With best 选出划线部分读音不一样的单词only really dragonfly carefully (y)walk talk wall half (al)people breakfast bee clean (eo ea ee ea)pen open very spend (e)those thing clothes them (th) 一,选出划线部分发音不一样的单词.