
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 10:05:52
nothing is impossible和anything is possible有什么区别? Anything is possible,nothing is easy. say goodbay中文意思 关于Anything Is Possible ,impossible is Nothing.为什么前句Anything在前.而后句Nothing在后,都是不定代词啊.Anything用于够定但此句用于肯定,为什么?Anything翻译成任何东西还是一些东西.【一般】Anything不 关于平行四边形的问题,求高人相助.一题加五分~~O(∩_∩)O~无图.【我没能力去画图】1、在平行四边形ABCD中,对角线交于点O,过点O作直线EF交AD于点E,交BC于点F.若平行四边形的面积为30cm²,求 3题高一运算,答一题追加5分,求高人啊 They can hear nothing but the sea and the wind.什么意思? They ____ (hear) a great noise,but ____ (see) nothing what's that you say 是定语从句吗what's that you say( 你说什么)是定语从句吗 关于凸透镜成像的一道科学题目凸透镜成像时,若测得物距U=25厘米,像距V=15厘米,则该像是什么像?(实象还是虚象),该透镜的焦距一定大于几厘米?小于几厘米? 科学凸透镜成像问题搞不懂求表格和意思 初一下科学第一章 凸透镜成像问题 急.在u>2f时,v=多少?最好再给我讲解一下照相机、放大镜、幻灯机(投影仪)的工作原理.U=多少时,V=多少?眼睛里各个结构的作用 有关泼水节的作文600字, we should do we can do to help forests.什么句式?为什么can 后面加的是to do对不起,写错了,是we should do we can to help forests lml=3,lnl=2,且m÷n<0,求3m-2n的值 若m·n不等于零,则m\lml+n\lnl的值为------.lml指m的绝对值 lnl指n的绝对值 m\lml是个分数 n\lnl也是个分数 若lml=2,lnl=5,且m>n,则m+n=? They couldn't find the right way in the forest soon 改为同义句 lml=5,lnl=3且mn>0求:(m+n)-(-lm-nl)的值 lml=lnl那么m和n的关系是( ) They didn’t find angthing in the bushes.同义句转换They______ ______in the bushes. these are food kike the food of many years ago 选择___the enormous flow of food from the entire globe,these countries have for many years not___the enormous flow of food from the entire globe,these countries have for many years not felt any population pressurea,thanks to b,by means of c,in l The English Chinese food very much.A:like B:likes C:are like D:are liking For many years the earth has been unable to provide enough food for these rapidly expanding populations and the position is steadily deteriorating since the fertility of some of our richest soils has been lost and vast areas that were once fertile la curious的比较级是curiouser还是more curious? Let is have a picnic 改错怎么改? 若m,n满足如下关系,m>0,n 若m大于0,n小于0,且|m|大于|n|,用"大于号”把m、-m、n、-n连接起来. 一直下雨不晴天怎么办?谁有办法解决一下. Nothing is possible.I belive you well succeed什么意思 Nothing is in possible请问么子意思`! 呵呵`