
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 23:01:33
给奶茶封口的那种封口机能给豆浆和粥封口吗?塑料杯子是一样大的 于是引起了火 英文翻译 使用定语从句,将下列两个句子合并成一句1,She lost an English book.Its cover is dark blue.2,He has a penfriend.He's never seen her3,This is the way of life .She is looking forward to this way of life.改错.1,She moved to an old hous 用定语从句合并句子.1.In this school there are about 30 foreign students.The foreign students have come to study Chinese.是不是In this school there are about 30 foreign students who have come to study Chinese?2.These students like the scho 将下列句子合并为定语从句1.Is he the man?You are waiting for the man.2.He has found the key.He lost the key yesterday.3.Can you lend me the book?You bought thebook in the library.4.this is the ship.We travelled on the ship.5.do you know th 把2个英语句子合并成定语从句1 Xi'an is one of the few cities with walls. its walls remain as good as before2 shaanxi Province is a place with many cultural relics. Its relics are well looked after3 The old man saw some Germans taking apar 英语——把两个句子合并成一个定语从句They have just started their trip to Tibet.They prepared for it for about a month. 仿照下面的例句,运用排比修辞格,再造三个句子,描写一个生活劳动的场面.例句:她含着笑,洗着我们的衣服,她含着笑,提着菜篮到村边的结冰的池塘去,她含着笑,切着冰屑悉索的萝卜 仿写句子 ,写两句与例句构成排比的句子.没有蓝天的深邃,可以有白云的飘逸.写两句与例句构成排比句. 仿照加括号的句子,写两个例句,构成排比句式.十步之内必有芳草.而英雄却常常难以用距离或时间来衡量.远的有(抗金英雄岳飞,我们在千年之后望去,仍可见他在山河破碎之际高唱《满江红》 "从这个角度来说"或从这个方面来说"的英文翻译 一方面……另一方面 英文翻译 把两个简单句改为定语从句1 I have found a shop.The shop has everything we need2 The town is very near here.The town is described in the guide book 3 The mountain is very nice.we climbed the mountain last year 把含有定语从句的句子改为两个简单句.谢了!1.The earthquake which hit the city in 1906 was the biggest in American history.2.The house which they built in 1987 stayed up in the earthquake.3.Luckily none of the people who I know we 定语从句怎样变成简单句 把第二个简单句改成定语从句 搬运1000只玻璃瓶,规定搬一只玻璃瓶可得运费0,4元,但打碎一只要赔0,6元,如果运完以后共得到搬运费360元,那 搬运100只玻璃瓶,规定搬一只得运费3分,但打碎一只赔5分,运完后共得运费2.76元,搬运中打碎了几只?要具体的算式 搬运100只玻璃瓶,规定搬一只手搬运费3分.但打碎一只要赔五分,运好后得2.60元,搬运中打碎几只瓶子?搬运100只玻璃瓶,规定搬一只收搬运费3分。但打碎一只要赔五分,运好后得2.60元,搬运中 搬运100个玻璃瓶,规定搬一个可得运费3元,但如果打破一个,不但不给钱,反而要失去2元.运完得260元打...搬运100个玻璃瓶,规定搬一个可得运费3元,但如果打破一个,不但不给钱,反而要失去2元.运 过生日时可以许几个愿望?要好好珍惜每一个生日``` 过生日为什么要许三个愿望? 过生日为什么要许愿呢?可以许几个愿望呢?我快过十九岁生日了,好开心丫,过生日可以许几个愿望呢? 将下列两个简单句合并成带定语从句的复合句1 the bridge has been rebuilt now.it was built in 1959.2.she is going to the town .i do not konw the town.3 he did not attend the meeting.he told me the reason.4 the train started at 4:50p.m 将下列两个简单句合并成带定语从句的复合句~将下列两个简单句合并成带定语从句的复合句1.We watched the play Teahouse.The play Teahouse was written by Lao She.2.The building is at the other end of the street/ She is 某物流公司要运送2000只玻璃花瓶,每只花瓶的运费是两元,如果有破损则破损一只花瓶要赔20元,结果物流公司的运费3934元,运送中损坏了几只玻璃花瓶?要过程 将下列的2个简单句合并为定语从句的复合句! 某物流公司要运送2000只玻璃花瓶每只花瓶的运费是二元如果有破损则每破损一只花瓶要陪20元结果物流公.得运费3934元运送中损坏了几只花瓶假设方法做 把下咧两个简单句合并成带定语从句的复合句 某物流公司运送两千只玻璃花瓶,花瓶的运费是两元,如有破损,则破损一只花瓶要给20元,结果物流公司得运费3934元,运送中损坏了几只花瓶? 某物流公司要运送2000只玻璃花瓶,每只花瓶的运费是2元,如有破损,则破损一只花瓶要赔20元.结果物流公司得运费3934元.运送中损坏了几只玻璃花瓶? 某物流公司运送花瓶500箱……某物流公司运送花瓶500箱,每箱装有6个花瓶.已知每10个花瓶的运费为5元,损坏一个的话不但不给运费还要陪成本10元,运后结算时,运送队共得1353元运费.问,共损坏