
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 01:44:16
谁给刘德华唱忘情水?打一词语 arrived at the small village的中文意思 As we all know Shenzhen City_____a big city from a small villageA.grew up B.chang into C. grew into D. made into这选B还是C呀 这两者有什么区别 中国当代最著名的婉约派诗词有哪些?最著名的人物有哪些? He’s worked there for all his life.这句话正确吗?worked前面为什么加be? 1.(A∩B)-C=(A-C)∪(B-C)2.(A∪B)-(B∪C)=A-C上面两题是否恒真,如果不是,请举一反例 说好普通话 写好规范字 作文 我们( )要写好规范字,( ) 还要说好普通话、关联词. 说好普通话 写好规范字 的手抄报 要150个字的 如何才能说好普通话,写好规范字200字 PETS5级难吗?花了辣么多的钱,考了3次了,还是五十几,每次就差那么一点点点点,口语倒是过了,有没有5级笔试过关的啊,太难了…… ( )15.A strong wind will arrive in Harbin.It will __________ much rain.( )15.A strong wind will arrive in Harbin.It will __________ much rain.A.bring B.take C.carry D.get a strong wind arrived in 威海4.A strong wind arrived in Harbin.It will ___much time.A.bring B.4.A strong wind arrived in Harbin.It will ___much time.A.bring B.take C.carry D.get 跨越百年的美丽中表示玛丽钻研的句子!很着急,不然会完不成作业, The young policeman told the boys ___Anever to play with fire B not to play with fire 为什么选A 改错The woman told the children not to play fire. Mike's mother told him not to play with fire.用祈使句形式改为同义句 He has never __of such a thing before.A.hear B.heared C.heard D.hearing 这样的事闻所未闻:such a thing has never been heard of before;has never been heard of before 这边谁能解释一下为什么这样用的.如果可以最好对每个进行解释 英语 Never in my life have I seen such a thing.的主谓宾是什么? I will certainly be surprised if he____to tell them what he knows/A.dare B.will dare C.dared D.dares应该选什么啊、?、、? I will certainly be surprised if he____to tell them what he sawA.dare B. will dare C.dared D. dares答案应该选D为什么?请说明原因,谢谢~ 写同学的作文 一定要个性鲜明的人 急急急急急急急急急~~~~~~~~一定要个性鲜明的同学,如:脾气温和的同桌,活泼开朗的伙伴,热情爽快的朋友,小气爱哭的………… ___ we need is more praticeA. That B. Why C. What D. Which 为什么选C?He had a strange way ____ his class interestingA. making B. makes C. of making D. make为什么选C If the earth is going to be destroyed I want to tell you that you are the only Someone, I'll wait for you, life does not give up这句英语是什么意思? what和how引导的从句They want to know _________do to help us.答案是填what.那么为什么不能用how呢?在此句子中,what充当从句的什么成分? i showed my mother a picture of the computer that i was going to buy it?请问哪里有错误,是that改which? 用what和how引导的从句的具体区别(要非常非常详细并有例句)(如果回...用what和how引导的从句的具体区别(要非常非常详细并有例句)(如果回答的好会追加高额悬赏) 在从句中WHAT和HOW怎么区分看这句子:That was i felt about old people ,too.+这句子能用WHAT 吗 2013年11月17日,清华大学生命学院教授罗永章领衔的研究组,在世界上首次确认人类热休克蛋白为全新的肿瘤标志物.这一发现表明【 】 A 思维与存在具有同一性 B存才就是被感知 C哲学对具 求someone like you , trouble is a friend歌词 谢谢!