
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 23:37:53
下列多项式是二次三项式的是() A:x+y B:3a+2b+c²b C:x²+2x+1 D:a³+b³ 写出下列多项式中各项的系数和各项式的次数 3a²-b.3x²-4x²y+5写出下列多项式中各项的系数和各项式的次数 3a²-b.3x²-4x²y+5y² x/2-y/2.3x-4y/5 一道初中的代数题:1.当k是什么整数时,关于x的方程kx方-4x+4=0.(1)与x方-4kx+4k方-4k-5=0.(2)的根都是整数“方”是二次方! k为何整数时,关于x的方程kx²-4x+4=0与x²-4kx+4k²-4k-5=0的根都是整数 一个多项式与单项式-3a²b的的积是a³b-三分之一a²b²,求该多项式如图,小路 已知矩阵A=diag(1,2,-3),求A的m次多项式=A³+2A²-3A具体的f(1).f(2)f(-3)是怎么来的,完全不理解啊 英语翻译____it is true that a students most important goal is to do well in his or her studies it doesnt need to be the only goal .A when B as C while D before 英语翻译you'd better be careful Lina the knife is sharp-----mum .A i won't B make it C got it D it's impossible 英语翻译the university has an international ------for excellence in teaching high-quality research and flexible learning opportunities .A reputation B fortune C contribution D knowledge 英语翻译nothing can discourage him from------his promise for he is a very honest man.A carryingB breaking C performing D making 英语翻译can you tell me how long dinosaurs -------- on the earth before they---------?A had existed ; disappeared B had existed; were disappeared C have existed ; disappeared D have existed ;were disappeared 已知关于x的一元二次方程5x+kx-6=0的一个根是2,求方程的另一个根及实数k的值. 高中数学函数,8-10三题求过程 问3道高中数学函数题目 6._____ entering the classroom,he found his students all talking and laughing b.forc.asd.on7._____ charcoal and sulphur,potassium nitrate forms an explosive combineb.the combination ofc.when combined withd.combining The poor child expressed the desire that he _____all the books he needs为什么填have而不是will have?-Have you seen the film ''2012''?it's quite thirlling-No ,I -------to buy a ticket ,but it ___cats and dogs为什么答案是have intended;was 已知关于x的一元二次方程x^2+kx-1=0(1)求证;方程有两个不相等的实数根(2)设方程的两根分别为x1,x2,且满足x1+x2=x1x2,求k的值 已知关于x的一元二次方程,kx+(2-6k)x+9k-1=0,当k取什么值时:(1)方程有两个不相等的实数根(2)方程有两个相等的实数根(3)方程没有实数根变式:当k=____时,关于x的方程kx^2+(2-6k)x+9k-1=0有实 已知关于x的一元二次方程x^2+kx-3=0.求证:不论k为何实数,方程总有两个不相等的实数根 几道高中数学函数题,求过程1)函数f(x)=-x²+2x+1在区间[-3,a]上是增函数,则实数a的取值范围是___2)函数f(x)=x²+ax+b-3(x∈R)的图像经过(2,0),则a²+b²的最小值是___3)函数f(x)满足f(ab 若方程x²+4x+k=0与方程x²-3x+k=0有一个公共根,则k=? 在线,跪求过程和答案 7分之5+x二3 解方程 1.An i___ conference will be held in Beijing next month.2.Most first-class footballers are natural a_____.3.The writing of poens ,stories or plays it often called c____ writing.4.The Olympic winner received gold m____ as an award.5.——What's in th x-七分之二X=二十八分之十五(解方程) 如果不等式3x-m≤0的正整数解是1,2,3,那么m的范围是? 1、函数F(X)是偶函数,G(X)是奇函数,且F(X)+G(X)=1/(X-1).求F(X)的解析式.2、设2次函数F(X-2)=F(-X-2).且图片在Y上截距为1,被X轴截得的线段长为2倍根2,求F(X)的解析式. 填一个最适当的词.1.We all remember what he said yesterday.No one ___ his words now.2.Listen to the radio!The president will tell us the final _____.3.How long will you____ there?You have several subjects to choose. 解方程:(0.25分之X+2)+(0.5分之X)=1 解方程: 2分之0.25=x分之1.25 解方程0.25分之1.25=3.2分之x 用词的正确形式填空 it is said that he is had the machine ( )【check】 初中英语缺词填空 急Mr.sun is a kind old man.One day,he bought a bird at the market and wanted to set it f_____,so he went to the forest.But to his surprise,the t________ were gone.People had cut them d_______,leaving only fallen ones and stu