
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 09:12:56
特急!在今天17:00前回答对有悬赏!1、甲、乙、丙三人合作完成一件工程,共得报酬1800元.已知甲、乙合作8天完成工程的1/3,接着乙、丙合作2天完成余下的1/4,最后三人合作5天完成全部工程.今按 已知锐角三角形ABC中,角B=2角A,则b/a等于? 因式分解.(a+b)^2+4(a-b)^2-4(a^2-b^2) 四年级上册英语第一单元打星和黑体单词 在锐角三角形ABC中角c=3\2角b,角b的取值范围 初二数学,五道关于因式分解的题,给好评哦 因式分解的应用题,题目22道,有答案也好上海初一上学期学的 什么叫做99,98 第十题,因式分解, 3a²-9aba四次方-1x²-y²-2y-1x²-3x+4 有没有因式分解的题啊?十道左右即可 规定一种新运算a*b=a+b,a#b=a-b,其中a,b为有理数,则化简a*a*b*2ab+5a*ab#4ab其中a=5,b=3时求值是多少 -99+100-97+98-95+96-.+2 -99+100-97+98-95+96.+2=? a^99+a^98+2^97+2^96+2^95+……+2+1 用数学归纳法证明:1/sin2α+1/sin4α+…+1/sin2^nα=1/tanα-1/tan2^nα 用数学归纳法证明|sin nα|小于等于n|sinα|(n∈N*,α∈R) 证明:sinθ+sin3θ+sin5θ+sin7θ=8cosθ*sin2θ*(cos2θ)^2用和差化积做 4x(2x+1)=3(2x+1)用因式分解咋解 4x(2x-1)=3(2x-1)用因式分解解答 高中一些英语题的讲解: 1)You can improve your spoken English _.A)from practice B)in practice C)with pracitice D)into pracitice2)The meeting of strikers _quietly.A)passed by B)passed away C)passed off D)passed through3)All the staff in our company are considering _to the ci The girl was finally found hidden behind the door,【from where】 she could hear what her parents said.(为什么要用from where ,where前面也可以接介词吗,不是where=in/during which 什么的吗)We should realize the fact that when you g 请问怎么解释(英语高中) 一个多项式与3x²+6x-2的和是x²-2x+4,求这个多项式一个多项式与3x²+6x-2的差是x²-2x+4,求这个多项式 1.Sally____Beijing for Shanghai and_____there ever since.You can go and pay her a visit on your way to Hangzhou.(A)A.has left;worked B.left;worked C.has left;had worked D.left;has worked2.Did you have a good time last night?Yes,thank you.I apprecia 一:---Have you seen the film Steal Happiness?---No,but i would rather i _____ it before.A:have seen B:had seem二:帮忙详细介绍一下一大堆形容词修饰一个名词时的顺序,例如a lovely old chinese vase之类的. My uncle also did them and he only lived _____ eighty.A.in B.at C.to D.being So far as population is concerned.New York is( )the biggest cities in the world.A about B on C among D farAt times the balance in nature( ),resulting in number of possible unforessen effects.A is disturbing B is disturbed C has disturbed D will distu 13,After the heavy rain,the river ______.A,is risen B,is raised C,rose D,raised 14,this kind of thing _____ already _____ somewhere in the world.A,has been,happened B,has,happened C,will,happen D,are,happening 15,the film _____at night.And then we wa (1/94*95)+(1/95*96)+(1/96*97)+(1/97*98)+(1/98*99) 若x-3=y-2=z-1求x²+y²+z²-xy-yz-zx的值过程