
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 19:33:41
人教版五年级上册英语磁带哪里可以买到? 英语大神看看有没有语法错误,因为给男神写得,不想出错. 英语翻译当今社会己进入信息社会时代.信息己经受到社会的广泛关注,被看作社会和科学技术发展的三大支柱(材料、能源、信息).信息是管理的基础,是进行决策的的基本依据.在一个组织 论语翻译成英文?整篇论语不用翻译,论语给我就行 已知tana,tanb是方程a^2+5a-6=0的两根,求tan(a+b)的值 这句英文有语法错误么,On May 1st,two student volunteers,li hua and wei ming,which from class1 grade2,were went to sunshine nursing home to hold a volunteer activity. 成熟不是心变老而是眼泪在眼里打转却还保持微笑是什么意思啊?》 成熟不是心变老 而是眼泪在眼睛里打转, 翻译:成熟不是心变老,而是眼泪在眼里打转却还保持微笑. 描写乡村生活的句子 越短越好! 怎样列函数关系式? 怎么列这题的函数关系式? 新起点用英语怎么说 只要句子 成熟不是心变老 而是眼泪在眼里打转却还能保持微笑 “成熟不是心变老、而是泪在眼打转也能微笑”这句的真正含义是?我要具体的打答复、我想明白其中的含义和意思、谢谢 成熟的不是人心变老,是泪在打转还能微笑一般人都能明白这句话的表面意思,但是我想知道内涵的意思,也就是什么样的心理算成熟?只是这句话说的这样子吗?这句话不是都说了不是心里变老 "成熟不是心在变老.是泪在打转还能微笑" 请用高中生的口吻对这个句子进行分析!内容积极向上,要有拼搏努力的意味! ()()亲情词语填空 描写亲情的文章(只要生活中的一个细节)拜托各位了 3Q From what I hear about their hotel and weather,they ___holiday very much.A.would have enjoyed B.shouldn`t have enjoyedC.needn`t have enjoyed D.can`t have enjoyed为什么A不对~ 英语试题求解!用所给单词的正确形式填空.I _________(learn) English from him before.说一下原因. 求解→英语试题-急1. __ first lesson is __ very easy one.A. The, /B. The, aC. a, aD. a, /2. This dictionary is very useful. It has ___ many problems about words and idioms for me.A. looked upB. kept upC. cleared offD. cleared up3. -Would yo 英语试题,求解1、改错. This problem is so difficult for me too work out. ———— — — —————— A B C D( )应该改为: 2、用所给词的适当形式填空. My 1:I love singers who ( )their own mu-sic A write B writes C is write D wrote2 He is a man of ( ) words A a few B few C a little D little3 Have you seen the film ( ) ''Hero'' A names B naming C named D to name4 What do you think ( )to protece our en 初一上学期英语, 已知方程组3x+2y=m+1,当m为何值时、X>Y2x+y=m-1已知x+2y=4k 且-10已知关于x的不等式组x-m≥0的整数解共有5个,求m的取值范围.3-2x>-1 已知关于x、y的方程组x-y=a+3的解满足|a|+|2-a|2x+y=5a如果关于x的不等式 1.Many _______ trees should be planted on the mountains.A.thousand B.thousand of C.thousands D.thousands of2.The road is over _______ meters long.A.six hundred and fifty-two B.six hundreds and fifty-twoC.six hundred,fifty-two D.six hundred,fifty and 1.____,she led a life of complete seclusion.A.Being disgraced B.Disgraced C.Disgracing D.She was disgracing2.It ____to see so many children in that mountainous area cannot even afford elementary education.A.pains her B.makes her pain paining D.i 正比例函数y=kx的图像经过(1,2),求k及函数解析式 若函数y=kx的图像经过点(2,-6),则k=_____.这个正比例函数的解析式是_______; 冀教版八年级上册英语课文冀教版八年级上册英语1、2单元课文