
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 14:25:07
May I bring my homework here tomorrow否定回答 英语翻译顺便回答下吧. I'll discuss the question with you w____ you like . Were you seen ______(discuss) with a partner just now?= ESSAY代.写怎么找 澳洲ESSAY代写怎么找 美国ESSAY代 写怎么找 If you could be good at any hobby or any sport,what would it be?Explain why in detail.帮我写篇作文,我想说我喜欢打篮球,有两点要求:1、State what hobby or sport you would like to be good at.2、Describe the hobby or sport and expl push hard to how to study hard? I'm determined to study hard.中文意思请回答 翻译我应该怎样回答这些问题呢?----------the questions? 求英语达人翻译:ote that the questions do not directly prompt respondents to discuss..ote that the questions do not directly prompt respondents to discuss the factors that are predicted to determine choices or changes in either measures or we below the radar翻译 ESSAY代 写怎么找 哲学高于具体科学,说法正确吗,原因? 1.理性认识是感性认识的深刻再现和反映.为什么不正确?2理性认识可以通过感性认识表现出来.为什么正确?先行谢过了! 世界地球日 ISO管理体系不符合项纠正措施表如何埴写最合理 ISO纠正与预防措施要求表怎么弄? ISO 9001标准规定的质量管理体系要求是对有关产品要求的补充尽快回答、 求证明流体的压强与流体的速度有关的实验有关水的 Are there all of classes are taught in english 这句话对吗? 爱眼护眼手抄报那个悲哀,怎么办讷讷讷讷讷讷讷~ 作业员未按要求作业怎么写纠正预防措施?作业员生产时未查找文件,漏测一道工序,导致后道工序测试出现很多不良 look!there are many foreigners ___ theGreat Wall. Let‘s go to the ( ).There are many ( )in it.Great!Let’s go.Look atthe ( )打错了 是Look at the ( It has long legs and a long neck。The ( ) is lovely。It can swing on a rope。( ) a bear?No。It‘s white and black。I 初二的生物题,关于遗传和进化的,求高人帮忙解答!1.请说一说基因和环境是怎样决定一个人的身高的.2.请描述将来基因治疗会如何应用于医治血友病患者?3.比较与对比:选择育种和基因工 忘记签名的纠正措施怎么写 这两个怎么写纠正预防措施? 为什么日本料理没有用石斑类鱼做刺身?是否石斑不可生吃,有寄生虫?还是生吃不美味?日本人不喜欢吃石斑? 谁能告诉我海天相吻.浪子回头.碌碌终生.绝处逢生.可望不可即.