
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 19:06:24
it was in 1949 ___ China was founded.知道是强调句要填that,但为什么填which和when不行,错在哪里?it was in 1949 which China was founded 语法哪里错 .I was _______ in a small countryside in Canton.A brought up B bring up C raised up D raise up 如果5个连续奇数的和是45,那中间数是多少? .I was _______ in a small countryside in Canton.答案...急求,谢谢. 雨是最寻常的,一下就是三两天.可别恼.看,像牛毛,像花针,像细丝……要两个.作者是睡?他的作品还有什么?作者是谁?他的作品还有什么?要两个 what can the write get from his relatives in chinese new year? Does not match. Check again!什么意思? 翻译:I have a map but it's in Chinese,and I only speak English.这是一个美国人在中国问路过程中说的,尤其是前半部分,应该怎么翻译呢? 英语翻译I have a map but it`s -------Chinese A with B in 有没有所有语法都有的语法书?(英文的)我找了老半天不是分初中的就是高中的语法,有没有包含所有语法的语法书呢? The story surprised all of us.(同义句)The story _ all of us _. 鲁迅自传 第一段的加点词语作者怎样的感情其时我是十八岁,便旅行到南京,考入水师学堂了,分在机关科。大约过了半年,我又走出,改进矿路学堂去学开矿,毕业之后,即被派往日本去 鲁迅为什么要实业救国,医学救国,文学救国? 鲁迅认为的救国之路是什么 Egypt crisis:protesters reject smooth transition求标题翻译, 苏幕遮的翻译 急、语文、选词语造一段话在以下的词语里面选5个来造一段话.哀微 赫然 迭起 高标 锲而不舍 兀兀穷年 沥尽心血 潜心贯注 心会神凝 迥乎不同 一反既往 慷慨淋漓 气冲斗牛 That was __________ minority nationalities were treated in old China.why how when what 选哪个, 《苏幕遮》是谁的?诗的内容是什么 Life is full of challenge .To be a drummer,tap the 请告偶中文意思Pursue the excellent,challenge the impossible,and tap hope out of despair,Pursue the excellent,challenge the impossible,and tap hope out of despair,then your life will be complete! How many minorities are there in China besides Man minority?A.54 B.55 C.56 What is the future of the Minority Groups in China? Strikes in Egypt add to pressure from protests ,求标题翻译, Egypt rejects 'hasty' reforms amid pressure from US and protestors,求标题翻译, i've got a radio.改成一般疑问句 描写雨的句子(写的美的现代文) error parsing expression是什么意思 error:I llegal expression什么意思 ASM出现B4错误代表什么意思. illegal expression是什么错误?pascal请说明白点, Egypt's generals impose martial law,求标题翻译,