
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 11:37:06
在建筑设计里,MC2448,FM乙1521是代表什么门的意思? 建筑图纸中FM乙1021b 中得 b 指的是什么? 建筑fm和fhm是什么门建筑图纸中,FM和FHM各代表什么门?是这样吗?但是同一张图纸上,有FM又有FHM!郁闷死我了 图纸上防火门FM乙1,FM乙2,后面的数字是什么意思? 中国会和印度高战争么?印度的数学很厉害 软件 武器都是一流 那胜算大么?希望回答者给出详细说法 in a minute同义词两个单词组成的词组 人类只是地球的过客吗 什么是公民宗教最好举例说明 人类为何需要宗教?牛顿研究经典力学到最后居然也信了教?宗教与科学有何渊原? Take.whichever.you.like.best请大家帮忙分析一下句子成分,怎样看出是宾语从句. there are some books ,you can pick whichever you like怎么不可以把whichever换成whatever?我怎么判断名词性从句还是定语从句 All the books are here.You may borrow _______ you like.A.what B.whichever为什么选B呢? we have several models of the latest design__.you can take whichever you like.A.to be chosen from B.to choose from 答案以及原因 They're playing the giter.改为否定句 一文钱难倒英雄汉的英文翻译 Waiting for you one minute, May become a light-years. Unchanged 不知道自己为什么活着,找不到生命的意义 找不到生命的意义,该怎么办? 关于古诗名句运用 古诗、名言、广告语各10条 Millie has a lot of fun.(同义句) Thanks C++的这个报错啥意思?unresolved external symbol void __cdecl div(void) div@@YAXXZ) who broke the glass?the dog broke.改错 is it you who broke the glass?这里的IS管他叫什么?BROKE是谓语?另外IS在这里算是什么词性了 恐龙是什么时候灭绝的? 单项选择 要原因31.it is easy for __manage the short hairB.me to2.autumn is coming ,and the days are getting__A.shorter and shorter3.he is strong__carry the big stoneC.carry4.she applied a small a mount__shampoo__her hair af 某英语题:the bridge was broke还是broken是一道听力题,貌似听力里报的是broken,但总觉得不符合语法啊.(听力材料是在讲一个故事) —Would you like _____. —No, thanks. I'm full. [—Would you like _____. —No, thanks. I'm full.[ ]A. something else B. else something C. anything else D. else anything would you like ____apple?----------- no ,thanks.i am full.A .other B.the other C.another D.an other 英语翻译1.Style:0750-09-00 Jeans ***** Finish:01 Normal Date:03/10/2010 Characteristics Value Unit Threads components:Warp:12/1 100% COTTON CDO.OE Ne./Denier Weft:14/1 100% COTTON CDO.OE Ne./Denier Fabric Composition:100%Cotton.Drawing:S3,2/1 Z J 中祥子堕落的原因是什么?最好提供自己独到的见解? 骆驼祥子是怎样的堕落的?我们要开辩论会,我是反方,讨论的是个人原因~