
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 22:09:24
杜甫的生平事迹,可以用来当做议论文材料的最好多写几个事件,主题无所谓,主要想积累关于杜甫的论据 《是什么造就了杜甫很忙》是哪种文体,说明文还是议论文? 关于杜甫或李白生平的议论文 I wish you a( )journey to Tibet. 《村夜》白居易描绘了什么季节的景色?用语言描绘诗中景色. 英语翻译这是原句Today,I went out and took the subway.I was supposed to go to some place I had never been so I wasn't sure where to get off我怎么觉得是他自己的想法,应该是主动式呢?怎么成了被动? 楚组什么词求求大家两个字的网名 带楚字 "楚"能组什么词楚在前面..组词..2个字的... 组词 盾( )( )( ) 矛( )( )( ) 楚( )( )( ) 锐( )( )( ) 逼( )( ) 壁( )韵( ) ( )( )请大家帮个忙好吗 how are your mother?I hope your mother will get better soon.how to improve this phrase 心猿意马 (表示动物)一类的词语就是第二个词语个第四个词语都是动物,不要给我一些没用的~好的加5分,不好的就不加了! 照样子写词语:心猿意马 (表示动物)4个以上 紧急:《心猿意马》是指12生肖哪只动物?请别要用猜测的心理去解答,请说明理由,答中就有奖励,机会不多请别错过! 5.He looked as if he _____ ill for a long time A.was   B.Were C.has been   D.had been He has been ill for a long time and is unlikely to r___ It -- that he has been ill for a long time 为什么选择A呢 Aseems B looksClooks like Dseems like如果要用that的话,应该是这样:It looks that he is ill.而不是had been ill为什么 能不能说详细点有的说可以加that从句 有 It -- that he has been ill for a long time Aseems B looksClooks like Dseems likeIt -- that he has been ill for a long time 为什么选择A呢 能说说ABCD选项的区别 为什么选AAseems B looksClooks like Dseems like 英语翻译诗词原文夜泊鹦鹉洲,秋江月澄澈①.邻船有歌者,发调堪愁绝.歌罢继以泣,泣声通复咽.寻声见其人,有妇颜如雪.独倚帆樯立,娉婷②十七八.夜泪似真珠,双双堕明月.借问谁家妇,歌泣何凄 村夜 白居易的问题诗人的心情发生了怎样的变化?作者又是如何来表现这一变化的? your sincerely是非正式用法? your sincerely 求音乐歌名:“ for as long,long is i‘can remember it' been december.” 是哪首歌的歌词! She has been reading English books for as long as she can remember.怎么翻译? sharks have been around for a very long time.这句话中为什么有around? 英语翻译原文:是己而非人 ,俗之同病.学犹为达,强以为知;理有未安,亡以臆度;如事则终身几无可问之事.贤于己者,忌之而不愿问焉;不如己者,轻之而不屑问焉;等于己者,狎之而不甘问焉 The soul has long been hated buried汉语什么意思 Only you take the soul has been “我的灵魂早已超越了时空”怎么翻译?这样“My soul has long been over time and space”对吗? 现在进行时:be doing 一定要加be动词吗 如:the litter boy【 】(play)with a car.是is playing还是playing Cause you've been deep in the soul. 英语翻译It's entirely possible for a Windows user to be writing a note in a word processr while down-loading a from the Internet while printing the text of an E-mail message what the young man do?是问职业的意思吗?或者说what is the man?意思是这男人是干什么职业的意思吗?两句话是一个意思?还有个说法是what does 什么的说法也是询问职业的,怎么说来着?