
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 17:04:45
求i'll be back 2PM歌词中文意思 I'll be back I'll be back I'll be 要有实际联系的解释! I(这是i) ' ll be back! 关于"I'll be back"I'll be back 是被动语态吗?还是be back 表示状态? 超市报警器工作原理是什么? 静置的水里为什么有时会产生气泡? 为什么把水倒进一定量水里时会有气泡产生?在水里产生的气泡为啥 look sad还是sadlyThey all looked( )at the waiter and felt( )A.sad;sad B.sadly;sadly ;C.sad;sad;y D.sadly;sad为什么是选D的?look和feel不都是连系动词吗?不是应该+形容词吗? You look sad.(对sad进行提问) 将You look sad作肯定回答 half-sad look什么意思?如题 if anybody calls,tell him I will be back.的call为什么要加s If_____ calls,tell_____ I’ll come back soon.A.everyone; him B.someone; themC.anyone; him D.anybody,them “岁寒三友”松、竹、梅中“竹”具有什么品质? 赞美岁寒三友品质精神的成语是赞美,像势如破竹、竹篮打水不用 Hurry up,There is _time left.A,a little B,little.选择?为什么? fast soon quick quickly的区别回答一定要十分详细, He said,"Mother,the boy is very naughty."He said ,"Mother ,the boy is very naughty."把直接引语改为间接引语 quickly、soon、fast和quick的区别例题:Remember to email-me.All of us hope to hear from you______.A.quickly B.soon C.fast D.quick 以这道题为例,帮我区分一下这几个词吧, Ma Xiang is a very naughty(顽皮的)boy.完形填空 fast quickly quick soon有什么不同? The boy is very naughty.He ____ always ____ (talk) in class. 完形填空Ma Xiang is a very naughty boy.HE lives in our village,and he is a close neighbour of大侠在哪 quickly和fast soon的区别 岁寒三友的共同精神品质是什么 岁寒三友象征什么精神?我不要百科里的!它们三个有什么特点?象征什么精神? 岁寒三友分别代表什么精神 he said,"i'll come back soon"改间接引语改成 He said that he (两个词) soon My mother will be back soon同义句转换 Will you be back soon?''the wife asked her husband.变为间接引语. the math teacher is very thin改成疑问句,否定句,肯定回答,否定回答she loves sheep on the farm改成疑问句,否定句,肯定回答,否定回答 this is a photo of my brother and father改成疑问句,否定句,肯定回答,否定回答