
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 14:33:37
帮我翻译成英语~(跟X战警有点联系的),翻译好的加分~!X教授(Professor X):拥有强大心灵能力,是已知的第四级心灵能力的变种人,可以使人在瞬间丧失行动能力,或是控制别人.X战警的真正领 高二上课之前理科怎么预习.要预习的精么 England-土地+lish= 英格兰场是什么 昵称,外号用英文怎么说 科比的外号 英文说法科比有个外号叫`小飞侠`那在国外人们怎么称呼他(用英文)就像麦克格雷迪 叫 T-Mac我不是问科比的名字啦``我就是问 小飞侠 的英文```好像马龙叫 `邮差` 就叫 Postman 一 一个外号的英文说法我同学都叫他“小胖” 英文杂说阿?哈哈 明天作partner要用的 英语翻译“为什么我想给她起这个外号?你应该会这样问我.”RT 什么是光轴,什么是光束? 光轴应该用什么挡圈?我要在光轴两端装两个挡圈,目的是为了防止轴在产品中轴向窜动,有什么挡圈可以满足我的要求吗?前提是只能用挡圈,不能用其他的配件了,而且还是光轴无槽的, I will go for it in the English speech contest.(使句意相同) I will __ __ __ to win the English(接上)speech contest. beat 和 win的比较Italy _____ Argentina three to one.(beat,win) 应该选那个,为什么. 我想成为贝壳怎么样 The whole nation is in great happiness,as we have worked another wonder,______ several generations of sports people have been working for.A.one B.it C.that D.those The farmeris very busy because he's so _________ sheep to keep and so ________ work to do every day.A.much;many B.many;much C.many;a lot D.a lot;much 1,The medium believes the price of petrol will rise by more than ____two precent .A other B another C any ther D the other2,The school's Drama Association will give a big show tonight and two ____next week .A another B other C else D more3,In my opin 关于代词的选择题1.There are 25 members in the Yoga Club.Six of them are boys and _________ are girls.a.other B.others C.the other D.the others2.-Who helped you with your Japanese?-________!I learned it all by myself.A.Nobody B.Anybody C.Someb 1Mary's hair is longer thhan——in her classA.else'sB.anybody else'sC.anybody'sD.anybody else2The Indians used to live in ——is now part of the USA.A.whereB.whichC.whatD.that3.The weather in Nanjing is not as good as——in Shanghai A.oneB.that port的汉语意思是什么? 英语里,什么是状语从句,宾语从句,后置定语,宾语从句的一般引导词? He goes there by bus同义句He __ __ __there Do you want to join the swimming club?同义句do you want to __ __ __ __the Swimming Club The lessons did not cost very____1.much2.many3.any 如图,在正三棱柱ABC-A1B1C1中,D为棱AA1的中点,若截面ΔBC1D是面积为6的直角三角形,则此三棱柱的体积为—————— 第二次鸦片战争,如何体现英法联军为主凶,美俄两国为帮凶?都各干了什么?写清楚点,谢啦 在第二次鸦片战争中,帮凶美俄两国分别犯下什么滔天罪行? 第二次鸦片战争中,美俄两国的态度是? on one's work 还是 in one's workhe is prefessional ___ his work Did he see elephants there(肯答、肯定句 work one's jobs,怎么理解work 的用法 work with one's lessons还是 work on one's lessons肯定我就选你了 It's___to travel around Chengdu.A.Great fun.B.vIt's___to travel around Chengdu.A.Great fun.B.very fun.C.Greatly fun It's great ( )to travel to new place A pleasures B pleasure C please D pleasedpleasure 什么时候可数什么时候不可数?