
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 17:53:54
1.She seldom speaks English after class,for she was afraid _______ mistakes ______ grammer.A.to ma1.She seldom speaks English after class,for she was afraid _______ mistakes ______ grammer.A.to make;of B.making;of C.to be made;in D.of making;in2.Look 句子翻译 Research by a British biology student suggests that sharks could be used topredict stroms .先解释一下Research、biology、sharks、predict stroms的意思,谢谢!再全部翻译一下好吗?谢谢!非常感谢! ¥和$可数么 English Grammer形容词后的不定式是什么? 可以数遍说么好的,有蜂蜜 apology可数么?是make apology 还是make an apology? a-b/a+b 能求出数么 Summer Research Opportunities Program Conference 怎么译? 自1949年新中国成立以来中国大事纪年表求大神帮助 英语中如何表示受伤 vacaville summer program翻译 英语 roll with it Or you could just roll with it.Be flexible.See what happens.中文:也许你可以随机应变.别太固执,看看会发生什么. 女生可以用daniel这个名字吗 roll a rizlla with a “仓慌失措”中有错别字吗? 受伤的英文是什么?知道的快回答,越快越好! 张慌的错别字是什么纠正词语中用错的同音或形近字 And you're waiting for your body's re-entry ARC Future Fellow,academic staff,affiliated staff, Why is library research better than Internet research for an academic paper?I need two reasons. 心里很生气,一肚子的火,你明白,一肚子的火啊,气到我要爆炸了,马的 将下列每组两个单词的字幕重新排列,组成一个你学过的单词:ten,of Owe your dote on ,I am waiting for to come again. 如何用化学方法来区别乙酰氨基酸和阿司匹林 如何采用化学方法区别乙酰氨基酸和阿司匹林? 仓颉造了错字听说仓颉造了两个错字,请问是哪两个?另外仓颉是怎么造出“够”字的?请高师回答, 造脂的错别字是什么? “监别物品”这成语是不是有错别字? after somebody's blood 哈利波特三小说中,卢平让虚弱的哈利吃巧克力时说了一句话:Eat it ,or Madam Pomfrey will be after my blood.中文版的翻译是:吃了它,不然Pomfrey夫人(校医)要对我动粗了.但是在网 who is the woman over______(ðeə)?she is _______teacher.两个空的读音相同 读音是什么 黄山是首批国家重点风景名胜区,亦是世界级的旅游胜地,_________年被联合国教科文组织列入受世界保护的人