
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 07:53:52
静观窗前花开花落,去留随意;笑看天上云舒云卷,笑对人生!什么意思 The children are near the hill .改成单数句 the children have some apples改为单数句子 用四字成语造一段话 云舒云卷是什么意思 如图所示,坐标平面第Ⅰ象限内存在大小为E=4×10^5N/C方向水平向左的匀强电场,在第Ⅱ象限内存在方向垂直纸面向里的匀强磁场.质荷比为m/q=4×10^(-10)N/C的带正电粒子从x轴上的A点以初速 He ran _______ the road,and a car nearly hit him.用适当的介词填空. 询问节日用哪个英语句型 翻译:I can't understand it.Would you please give me some explanations? What advice would you give me?和What club can I jWhat advice would you give me?和What club can I join? 你认为记者在采访之前,应该做好哪些准备工作?(简单化50字内) 如果你是一位记者,采访一个人时该做什么准备 如何做好演讲前的准备工作啊? Can you give me a hand?的同义句 Can you —— me a —— the book is his.can you()?A.give him it B.give it to him 托物言志的作文怎么写啊谢谢了,大神帮忙啊给点提示吧~哦哦额 托物言志的文章怎样写出新意?如题、 人生如戏亦如梦,人生如梦不如尘 出自如题 郁有什么组词 I was scared and didn’t know what to do.改为同义句I was ()()() and didn’t know what()()do. 初二英语求解,好评 一起又看流星雨里楚雨荨跟金娜娜比赛跳舞时的那首歌曲什么名?不是Ke$ha - Tik Tok!后面的是中文的!一首男女对唱的 一起又看流星雨楚雨荨跳舞时的音乐是? my car was broken and I didn't know __to do? A what B how 说明理由 His bike was broken.He didn't know __to do with it .此处该用what 还是how? 神经病和傻子用英语怎么说 all the preparations for the task___,and we are ready to startA.completed B.complete C.had been completed D.have been completed All the preparations for the task ____,we were ready to startA completedB completeC had been completed D have been completed 为什么选A呢?选C不行吗,直接用过去完成时? All the preparations for the project ______,we’re ready to start.AAll the preparations for the project ______,we’re ready to start.AA.completed B.have been completedC.had been completed D.been completed能不能 having been completed? 为什么I don't know what to do成立而I don't know how to do不成立 日子一去不复返,怎么翻译,要用倒装.后面是when the teachers were looked down upon Can you give us an____ (介绍)of this book