
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 09:45:14
北美洲最高的山峰是麦金利峰吗? 不解之缘的意思是什么 write about a time when you made someone close unhappy and what you did 急求350字英文作文! 1.找出下列句子中的错误.并改为正确的句子.1,Look!Your baby were crying._____________2.What have you done last night?______________________3.LiBai writes many pomes._____________________________4.I was born in 1998 and I had two brothe 北美洲的内华达山脉,海岸山脉,洛基山脉,大平原,高原,海拔高和他们的位置是什么啊地形是什么?北纬40度的线来说北美洲的地形的变化特点是什么?地理老师很凶,写不上这个,两天后就惨了,那 铁砂是什么? 什么运动用铁砂 哪里有铁砂卖? 世界著名的“罗基山脉”位于美国、墨西哥和哪个北美洲国家? 北美洲最高山峰是哪个? 英语课听不进去 went to l shenzhen plane by连词成句 什么是高铁砂 连词成句:by lily to hefei went plane Where+is+he/she+going+on+New+Year's+Day+and+how+will+he/she+go+there? 一方铁砂是多少吨 The world's farthest distance is not life and death, The mother is very happy () (see) her son again.Grace,don't go out in the () (snow) weather I love you forever,and i will give the love of world for ervy how happy the mother was___( see) her lost son again.Sun yang has become more famous because of____(win)the gold medals.怎么填?正确的形式 氟离子可用什么试剂滴定 The mother worries about her son very much . (同义句) The mother her son very much . the mother 什么her son very happily 亲和能力最强的试剂是哪个 A氯离子 B溴离子 C碘离子 D氟离子 为什么 We will celebrate Halloween with three Chinese friends(改为一般疑问句) 如何判断椭圆标准方程 RT:1椭圆中为何凭 a^2 b^2就可以判断焦点在哪 2求椭圆与双曲线的方程,若只求出x轴上的方程,y轴怎么求第2个问题,是只要把a^2 b^2调换位置就能求了嘛?我做的一些题目不是这样的.3:求双曲线渐 淑女是怎样的?3Q 已知在Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,∠A、∠B、∠C所对的边分别为a,b,c是判别关于x的方程aa(x²-1)-2bx+c(x²+1)=0的根的情况 淑女是怎样的?应该注意哪些?拜托各位了 3Q could,would...there are many things we couldn`t predict.这里的could代表什么,为什么不用“can” cherish what you have now and things would be better .这里的would 又代表什么?为什么不用" will " 淑女是什么样子的?3Q3