
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 04:14:13
求助两个英文名字的发音 最好是音标,马上要用,Mallon和Dannenberg需要准确点的发音,我在什么字典上都查不到,崩溃了,马上要用的ddcmj519无意冒犯,但我还是想问一下你的发音是否准确。我的疑 2008年—2011年 模拟题给网址,要一下子就可以全下下来的。不要一套一套下的 城南旧事驴打滚儿的主要内容 有个女生对我说JUST PLAY WITH ME 这是什么意思?在这里“JUST PLAY WITH ME ”是什么意思呢 just a play , why two phase什么意思? 谁能帮我想一个英文名,最好和中文发音像一点我的名含有(沨涞)两个字,女的,英文含义最好有守望的意思,实在没有就算了,和中文发音差不多就OK,另外,请告诉我英文名的发音, 求个英文名,带中文发音.本人姓梁,名朝栋,男,双鱼座.,记得带中文发音哦, 最好和中文发音相似!我的名字英慧, 根据中文发音,帮我起一个英文名,我以前有个英文名叫manson 亲姐姐从小给我起的,可是我发现好多人的英文名跟中文的发音很象,比如 所以我想换掉这个陪我20年的英文名,我的中文名发音是 xin 根据中文发音起英文名 meet后边是否跟介词,例如meet with a kind peope中的meet meet和什么介词搭配? 介词后面加什么 please meet your uncle 介词 noon 介词 saturday 为什么要报答父母 拿什么来报答你,我的父母 求一与柔文发音相似的女生英文名 《黄鹤楼》中所包含的思想感情, 寓言故事(文言文)寓言故事,要简短的,有寓意的,不要《画蛇添足》和《自相矛盾》.其他的都行寓意啊 不要忘啦 一道高一英语语法填空怎么写?Horses,at first,wewe all wild animals loke zebras are today.______ they first evolved in North,by the time people were spreading throughout the world,horses had become xtinct in North America. Taiwan is _______ the east of chian, Korea is _______ the northwest of China.A.to in B. in on C.on to D.at on 选什么?为什么?需要详细解释.台湾和中国面积接壤吗?韩国和中国接壤吗?感觉没有正确答案呢? 6.Taiwan is ___ the east of Fujian.A.in B.to C.at D.on 黄鹤楼表达的思想情感?崔颢的 Taiwan is _______ the east of China and _______ the east of fujian.还有几题?Shall we meet at the ______ (enter) to the cinema.Please cut out the ______ (necessary) word.We found _______ to sleep.A.difficult to get B.it difficult gettingC.it diffi taiwan is ____ the east of china?A.in B,to C,on D,at 用some修饰advice和suggestion行吗 哪位大虾说下suggestion和advice的区别 advice suggestion如何区分具体例子 有关suggestion 和advice 的区别---I want to hear your ____for ways to solve the problem.---OK.A.advice B.suggestions C.news这道题中A和B不是都可以吗?两者都可以表示建议? Which half should I take?You can take ____.I don't want them.They belong to youA、both B、either C、each D、all Which do you want to take? to take非谓语作宾语,那which是什么?我看的语法里讲you是主语,which是宾语,want是谓语,那to take也是宾语? 那which不应该是宾语补语吗?啊……我混乱了…… Is there anything you want me to get on the bus? --- Sure. _________ take the suitcase?A. Do you mind B. How about C. Had you better to D. Why don’t you答案,D,求翻译,谢谢