
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 07:50:46
英语翻译cafes 和 theachers are trying to stop the student from going to the internet cafes有什么不同吗?在什么情况下需要使用系动词,麻烦老师回答 There are many people on the bus,so it was very ( ) (拥挤)怎么填? Do you like to surf the internet?Why?急,Thank you Why do not you surf the Internet?同义句 英语在行的同志们,( )1 What do they______about t英语在行的同志们,( )1 What do they______about the story?A say B tell C talk Dspeak应该选哪一个? 急:What do you think of people who buy things they do not use?What about you?帮给个英语回答 一道英语题,People can stay what they like about me .But i don't care.翻译一下. the bus ()提示词‘STOP' and the students began to get on it. A( ),the teacher comes and the student stop talking i want to work for a magazine变一般疑问句 1、 want,work,a,i,to,foe,magazin(连词成句) ? what am i going to do during olympic games为题的作文假设在举国期盼的2008年奥运会举办期间,你在北京生活,你打算为奥运会做什么?以what am i going to do during olympic games为题写你的打算 The 2008 Olympic Games is going to be held in Beijing. 选择题Whatare you going to do __make the 2008 Olympic Games a great success请在里面选一个,然后说明原因,A:to help B:helping C:help D:helped Where___(be) the 30th Olympic Games going to be held? So做连词时能否放句首?有没有例子? 并列句的连词有and but so 有没有because though 吖 The teacher asks us to stop talking(改为同义句)The teacher asks us to——— ——— when the teacher came in ,all of us _____.A.stopped talking B.stop talkingwhen the teacher came in ,all of us _____.A.stopped talkingB.stop talking my sister and ___ both like english.(我姐姐和我都喜欢英语)这里用me 可以吗 This is my tmin sister Lucy .Both she and I_good at drawing.A:am B:are.请问:选那一个,为什么? 这个题为什么用policeman,而不用polices. 题:Both my sister and my brother are____.选项有4个.A、a police B、policeman C、policewoman D、polices请用详细说明原因. My brother and my sister both ran to help me.这句话中both是姐弟俩的同位语吗 为什么 连词成句 do you why like see to pandas 连词造句1.is,to,do,what,she,gong,on,birthday,her.2.do,like,you,and,fish,rice.一定要对的不然不给分. pandas like do what to eat 连词成句 so做连词的句子是并列句还是复合句如He got up late,so he missed the early bus.这句话是并列句还是复合句? 为什么so并列连词,而beacuse复合句连词? hand out 与give out 急求所有的连词,包括并列连词和引导复合句的从属连词,最好分类, He is a singer so that he can sing well.so that是连词吗?那是复合句还是并列句? I can play computer hames with my brother.改为一般疑问句