
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 21:57:37
胡杨的精神是什么? 把1到49每三个数字排一组 有多少组?能把每一组都列出来吧?要不能重复的.比如1.2.3 和1.3.2属于同样的一组不算.每一组中的数字也不能重复比如1.2.1就不可以 一共有多少组?请把18424组都列出来 胡杨精神具体是指?如题 “胡杨生而千年不死,死而千年不倒,倒而千年不烂”。这个我知道能具体化一点么 在1.49之间说出一个数字出来?他像那个数字 用什么成语来形容胡杨的精神 胡杨的精神能使人想到什么 从陈涉世家和史记.项羽本纪中可以看出陈涉和项梁各是怎样的人 求文明校园宣传标语,主要内容就是“讲文明”,20字之内,(要弄个条幅挂在校门口的!)谢谢啦! how many ( )《woman》 are there over there? how many tomatoes are there.说有三个怎么说. Nomatter how I try and try I just can't say goodbye是什么意思? I just want someone that i can say goodbye with有语法错误嘛? 英语翻译用英文 读书的好处英语句子及翻译 英语句子翻译?我想知道多点最自己有好处. 英语翻译英语单句翻译 作用是什么?是为了提高什么能力? I don't think this story (s________) interesting 英语翻译翻译:It has the oldest port built by the Romans in the first century AD,the oldest building begun by the Anglo—Saxons in the 1060s and the oldest castle constructed by later Norman rulers in 1066. 动物能够帮助植物干什么?只有一个空 你让我写哪个啊.错了就怪你无娪ろ 像諟茬窷兲娿, 1)we want to have a picnic tomorrow,but we don't know if it _____(rain)2)he has learned english for about 8 years 同义it ____about 8 years ____he has learned english .3)kate didn't know( how she should send the e-mail)提问____ ____kate know? You should make sure you know where the parents can be contacted and that they have given you all the information you are likely to need about the child.请翻译一下!谢谢! Just make sure your parents know what you are doing.Get them to know your friends.的中文意思? This should be fixed.Let us know if it is still happening to you.Make sure you lasted visited the page as of this post to know you have the right version.这是一个我上报bug的回复,帮忙翻译下,谷歌翻译我自己会用。我要的是第 以‘乡情’为话题写一篇作文 为神马初中数学我学不进. 以“乡情”为话题,写一篇作文“乡情”是文学永恒的主题.无论游子走到哪里,对家乡都会有一份难以割舍的感情.请以“乡情”为话题,写一篇文章,表达你对家乡的爱.要求:文体不限,不少于50 急急急啊、初中数学、、、用-m表示的数一定是神马、啊 以乡情为话题写一篇作文 I am proud()my son‘s friend,but his father was angry()what his son said 英语翻译 78天能把不及格的59分初中数学弄成神马样子…… what's was yesterday跟what was yesterday哪个正确?我也知道是后者,可是课本上记的是前者,自己拿不准才来问的- -