
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 23:36:51
rain的现在进行时态用双写n吗 It was a matter of____would take the positionA.who B.whoever 选什么?为什么? It was a matter of_ would take the position.为什么用who不用Whoever?请分析这个句子 古诗是文章吗 ERICA英文是什么意思? Erica 怎麼念?英文名意思说一下 Rt,怎么办呢? 我叫李燕杏,Erica这个英文名怎样 帮我取一个好点的英文名,最好和名字读音差不多我叫连臻,取个好听点的英文名我是男的 帮我取个英文名字,最好读音差不多.姓陈,名华勇 性别:男 it is so expensive a T-shirt that I can not buy it (同义句改写) it is_____ _____ expensive. 我演讲的题目是我的未来不是梦(英语演讲),请问我要注意哪些事项 一篇以“我的未来不是梦”的英语演讲词 可适当的拓展 大二学识 谢谢~ bigbang ego 音译歌词 能让我们学的,完整的 有类似高达ego的英文歌吗 跟ego对立的英文是什么?就是 一个是自我,一个事本我.的意思.但我忘记了.百度也不得. 请教中文音译英文情人草,帮忙把这个词汇音译成英文.英文读起来就是情人草的中文读法.最好是能简短一点,单词少点,好记,请再给一些好的建议, 急求新视野大学英语听说教程 第二版 3、4册 (郑树棠 著) 外研社 新视野大学英语 第二版 4册 (郑树棠 著) 外研社 找了很久了,网上流传很广的那个不是第二版的!我说的是听说教程,不是读 we don't often go to the English corner?变同义句否定词要放在最前面。如:在_we go to the English corner。这句话的最前面加一个词 1.Have you ever received some gifts 2.What are they?Which do you think is the best gift?Why?3.When did you get it 4.Who gave it to you?5.How do you like it?用这5个句子的答案写一篇90词的英语作文 连成句子.l,that,like,don't,sweater Is that my sweater?(同义句) Li Ming goes to the English Corner as often as possible _ _ he can improve his speaking skills.保持原意Li Ming goes to the English Corner as often as possible in order to improve his speaking skills. He often goes to the English corner with his pet and his likes Bei-jing.(用they作主语改写) Li Ming goes to the English Corner as often as possible.He wants to improve his speaking skills.(保原句意思)Li Ming goes to the English Corner as often as possible in -------- ---------- improve his speaking skills. I can't finish so much in such a short time! Don't worry .I'll do_I can to give you a hand.A:whatever B:no matter what Give so much time to improving 为什么用ING 用can't have been/done must have been /done 改写句子例:I don't believe he did it 答:He can't have done it问:I don't believe you tried very hardI think he passed all the examsI don't bellieve you were at the office on SuadayI think she met 2011年英语八级成绩查询 请问现在专八成绩出来了吗?上帝保佑我一定要过吧、、. never shout never的I Love You 5 歌词 If You Shout if you How many pianoes do they have?单句改错