
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 11:01:46
给句中加入恰当的内容,使句子更完美?人和动物的区别,除了人有大脑,还有手.人类运用手把大脑设计出来的东西制造出来.詹姆斯住在小岛上 善施教化造句,2分钟内,答得好的加50不要出现这个句子【今天,老师让我们用“善施教化”来造个句子】! I have a brother studying in university可否当作定语从句来理解?比如说是否可以当作是that被省略了? The Whites have two sons and ---are studying in university.A.two of them B.they all C.two D.the two of them答案是D为什么啊,还有B为什么不行 My consin is studying .He wants to be an accountant.(保持句意不变)My consin is studying_____ _____an accountant at university. 阅读选择:Mr White lives in a tall building.He lives on the sixteenth floor.Every day,he,takes a lift up and down. One Saturday afternoon,he went shopping with his little son and bought many things.They drowve back and carrried all the things u Your parents will arrive at 3pm.(划线提问)He will look at our class projects.(划线提问)Let’s have tomato soup.(一般疑问句) Your parents will arrive (at 3 p.m)划线提问 children under 1.4 metres tall are free(同义句改写)children under 1.4 meters ____ ____ are free. 若不论a为何值,关于x,y的二元一次方程(a-1)x+(a+2)y+5-2a=0必有一组解恒定不变,请证明这个结论,并求出这个恒定是啥感念,这类题没看到过... Children under 1meter in h______ shouldn't be taken in. 不论A为何值,关于X、Y的二元一次方程(A-1)x+(a+2)Y+5-2A=0必有一组解的值不不论A为何值,关于X、Y的二元一次方程(A-1)x+(a+2)Y+5-2A=0必有一组解的值不变,试说明这个结论,并求出这个 [高考] 质量数,相对原子质量,平均相对原子质量,近似相对原子质量都各是什麼?平时用的式量M是哪個? 供水量:140-160L/H是什么意思是不是每小时产热水0.16方 The trees ()(use) to build some houses every year. 哪里可以买到11 practice tests for the SAT and PAST 2011 edition 啊!为什么卓越网和当当网都缺货了很急! R.L.P是甚麼意思 英语翻译请翻译:wheeled past.全文如下:【2011浙江台州】(选择型)D  Think back to a time in your life when you tried something new.  When I was a teenager I volunteered to pass out water at a local race.I was so excited to They’re______【建造】 new houses by the river barron's how to prepare for the sat I这本书除了是以外还有别的吗?(因为有的书店特别注明"book only") 新加坡哪里可以买到Barron's How to Prepare for the SAT?大众书局 好像没有 Barron s How to Prepare for the SAT杭州哪有卖?还有OG哪有卖啊?回答能否确切些?今天跑了新华和外文都没.哭死啊》》》》 Barron's how to prepare for the SAT与barron's the leader in test preparation有什么区别如题,后面那本书的图片在这里哪本书会简单一点,适合初学者使用?还有是购买新东方引进的barron‘s how to prepare for the SAT 英语翻译Is that —— —— —— —— ——? SAT和PSAT的区别主要是难度方面.是否差不多.主要是数学方面.SAT的数学都考什么?要详细一点的.我满意的话会追加分数的. 关于PSAT和SAT本人今年sophomore,想准备考PSAT,问一下PSAT有写作的部分吗?如果词汇量不过的话,有没有什么比较好的书能帮助提升单词词汇量?最好能是英文版的. Sat free practice test 2009-10不要给我练习啊= = 呼吸作用的步骤是什麼? 麻烦能把GMAT Official Guide 10th Edition 发到我邮箱里面吗?谢谢 我的邮箱是 谢谢 什麼软件 麻烦能把GMAT Official Guide 10th Edition 发到我邮箱里面吗?谢谢 我的邮箱是 谢谢 谁有12th Edition 的The Official Guide for GMAT Quantitative Review,综合和语文都有了 就差这个新人,没有多的分给.有没有2月底考GMAT的朋友,一起努力了 我的