
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/07 02:44:09
跳蚤为什么会跳那么高 跳蚤为什么可以跳那么高? 跳蚤为什么能跳那么高? 跳蚤能跳多高?是身体的多少倍? 卧薪尝胆的主要内容是什么 卧薪尝胆的时期是 ,涉及人物是 ,主要内容/含义是 .但要写清楚哦,急…… no more,no longer的问题He no longer lives here 可以改作 he lives here no longer吗?但 He is no longer a child 不可以改作He is a child no longer的吧?no more也同理吗?如果是请举个例子吧!By the way,我有责任把教室打扫 把一个圆柱形的底面平均分成相等的诺干个小扇形,然后切开平成一个近似的长方体,拼成的长方体表面积比原增加了400平方厘米,已知圆柱的高是20厘米.求圆柱的体积 把一个圆柱的底面分成许多相等的扇形,沿高切开后,拼成一个近似的长方体,表面积增加了180平方厘米,如果这个圆柱的高是10厘米,体积是多少立方厘米? 用12米长的木条,做一个有一条横档的矩形窗子,为使透进的光线最多,窗子的透光面积必须是6平方用12米长的木条,做一个有一条横档的矩形窗子,为使透进的光线最多,窗子的透光面积必须 你上课应该认真听讲 You __ __ __listen carefully in I couldn't listen carefully in our English class this morning,as i_____of the comic book that i read before class.A.was thinkingB.thoughtC.have thoughtD.had thoughtThe fridge is making_______noise.I don't know what ______with it.A.too much;is the mat There will be many ways()shopping in the future.填一个介词 试述TNF的生物学功能?试述TNF的生物学功能. the United States of America是什么意思 我喜欢一天的一些部分,不喜欢其他部分英文怎么说I like------------------------------------------------ I hate school,hate teacher,hate anything I don't like. 人和动物呼出的二氧化碳是否会对空气造成污染 空气中没有二氧化碳对动物有什么影响主要是指异养需氧型生物.如果空气中没有他们不需要的二氧化碳,对他们会不会有影响? 初二数学:关于x的一元二次方程(1-m^2)x^2+2(1-m)x-1=0有两个实数根,求m的取值范围 he jumps higher than___in his class A.anyone B.anyone else Tony jumps higher than other boys in his class.同意句是什么?同意句填空就行,知道的哥哥姐姐帮帮忙,Tony jumps ( ) ( ) all the boys in his class. TNF 的TKA200是什么意思 英翻汉,I like sports a lot,but I英翻汉,I like sports a lot,but I like most is playing badminton,because when I was home only badminton,boring when you play with my sister,and like it. London is the capitai of England改一般疑问句 已知方程(x+n)(x+7)=x平方-x m,求m=___n=___ 若xy=m,且x的平方+y的平方=n,则(x-y)的平方=? 向量a=(x,y) 向量b=(m,n) 求 (a+b)的平方是多少? 步骤,详细的,谢谢! I hate __ like that.You should be polie to the old.A talking to B to talk to C being talk to D be talk to u hate me huh that sounds like the beglnning oflove story hot the end of one? I am the matter of my fate.I am the captain of my the Pétains and Lavals of England是什么意思