
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 09:33:22
绩效评估是什么? 什么是客观题?什么是主观题? 渪字把三点水换成王 念什么 潘三点水换成王字旁念什么 要完整过程(标答),有因为所以怎么来的. 给好评 求完整解答过程 用因为所以解题(要过程) log16(27)=a,求log9(96) 求下面复合函数的导数 您好,麻烦帮我解答下这个复合函数的导数,我化简成三个导数的乘积y'=arcsin u,u=√v,v=(1-x)/(1+x) log9等于什么 log9 9等于几? 求关于花的唯美词语求带花字的唯美词语,并解释其意思(此步可省略)~ 帮我写一些关于花的句子(唯美的)在帮我写一些关于风景的.最好是傍晚和黑夜的!急用! 英文版 的1 A piece of wood has a labeled length calue of 76.49 cm.You measure its length three times and record the following data:76.48cm 76.47cm and 76.59cm.How many significant figures do these measurements have?2Are the measurements in proble when measuring the rate at which the mass of copper metal decreases during a reaction with nitric acid,why can't you just put the reaction vessel on a digital balance and record the decrease in mass as the copper is used up? 一些化学问题(英文版)1.Ionic compounds have very high melting points.Explain at least two forces that cause this physical characteristic.2.List bonds in order of bond strengtha.Hydrogen bond between H2Ob.Covalent bond between H and O in w 已知,三角形ABC中角ABC=60°,角BAC=40°,延长CB至D使BD=BA,延长BC至E,使CE=CA,连接AD,AE,你能求出哪些的度数?请说明理由. 请介绍一下MBTI性格测评的分数是怎么设置的 谢谢!我的意思是 比如我的I是70分,那E是多少分? 国家招投标法对评标中报价这栏的分值有权重比要求吗?比如说我总分是100分,报价只占20分行不行?还是说必须要占到百分之几. 英文版的1How are elements and compounds similar?How are they different?2What is the basic organizing feature of the periodic table of elements?3Explain how the law of definite proportions applies to compounds.4What type of compounds are compared 哪位大师知道智能abc中“虐”这个字的拼音应该怎么打? 1.2dm3 of hydrogen gas dissolved in 100cm3 of many mols of hydrogen chloride gas are present?第一行不是hydrogen gas,是hydrogen chloride gas,另外,hcl并没有在水中消失。就像盐放在水里,这样的溶液还是有浓 虐待的拼音 虐的拼音怎么拼 已知点E在三角形ABC的边AB上,点D在CA的延长线上,点F在BC的延长线上,问角ACF与角D的大小关系如何?请说?今天就要回答好.好的话我给高分.要用初一水平做题 已知点E在三角形ABC的边AB上,点D在CA的延长线上点F在BC的延长线上,问:角ACF与角D的大小关系如何?并给出说 已知点E在三角形ABC的边AB上,点D在CA的延长线上,点F在BC的延长线上,问三角形ACF于角D有何关系? 已知点E在△ABC的边AB上,点D在CA的延长线上,点F在BC的延长线上,问:∠ACF与∠D的大小关系如何(要说明有图片了 已知在三角形ABC中延长CA到E,延BC到F,D是AB上任意一点,求证角ACF大于角ADE 模糊综合评价法,中计算权重的方法.我看了文章,是两两比较,然后求得几何平均数,然后归一化请问,两两比较,如何确定具体数据,文章只是说1表示前者与后者比较前者重要.归一化如何计算? 五年级下册的第一单元习作怎么写第一单元的口语交际习作,字数不限,但字数别太少了,