
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 17:15:36
请问这碗装着几种东西? you are handsome,do you know what mean什么意思 "are you form?" What is mean? 竣工验收备案登记证用英语怎么说?RT 人都要疯了~ 什么是竣工验收? cut the cheese...在什么语境里?盼望例句~ we are happy to receive our parents' letter (同义句)we are happy to _____ ______ our ________ ____makes us happy is______ our parents are still healthy and strong.A.It that B what that我觉得是选B 能不能讲一下 为什么? --Have you ever been to Rome?--No,but that's the city__.A.where I most like to visitB.I'd most like to visitC.which I like to visit mostD.where I'd like most to visit为什么?不能选C?请详细说明. 从丘吉尔的成功中你获得了什么启示? 我的早年生活丘吉尔的成功是偶然的吗?丘吉尔的成功靠的是什么? 丘吉尔最大的成就是什么 我的早年生活 丘吉尔最终取得成功的原因是什么 Please put the _____(grated,grate)cheese on the pizza. please click on the logo below to play the click on the bush 如题. Click on the left Send key是什么意思急 阿. add的用法 Please add some cheese ___ the bread.to 和 on 用哪个好呢? VB问题:已知三角形三边,求周长和面积!另做一份实验报告! 请问《温斯顿•丘吉尔的绝妙睿语》与《温斯顿·丘吉尔的幽默和智慧》 是同一书吗? whose bike is this It __ be him.His bag is on it Amust B may Cwill Dcall -Whose cat is that?-It;s_ A her b him C my D his 小孔成像的小孔的大小如果很大还能成一个倒立的实像吗? 小孔成像用光屏来承接是成倒立的像,且是实像,但是为什么人通过小孔看东西是正立的 be sophisticated in doing sth He kept on with his work ________ he had finished it.填空 怎样理解We are finished with my work. Only one in my world. only one in my world和queen和king和keep my ___the help of their team,we should not have succeeded.选项:a、As forb、 As toc、 Unlessd、 But for everyone is eveyyone's only one but you're my only one这句话什么意思 发福利了,you is my only one,请问这句话有几个错误