
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 10:17:34
你认为木兰代父从军,千百年来这一故事在民间广为流传的原因是什么? 《道德经》是文言文吗?第一个回答的话有悬赏分! 哪有古文版《道德经》对,是要没标点,和是繁体字的 Rubik's 道冲,而用之或不盈.渊兮,似万物之宗.挫其锐,解其纷,和其光,同其尘.湛兮,似或存.吾不知谁之子,象帝之先.小弟没看明白 大家能说一下大概意思不/ Could you do rubik's cube at 14,000ft的意思是?快快30秒钟之类! 找一些类似《道德经》这样的名著,要古文,有哲理的,多给几本. Rubik的意思 he let me repeat his instruction ___ sure that i ubderstand what was ____ after he went away.A.to make, to be doneB.making, doingC.to make, to doD. making, to do为什么选A 不选C 如图,平面内有两条直线AB,CD,且AB//CD,P为一动点.(1)当点P移动到AB、CD之间时如图,平面内有两条直线AB,CD,且AB//CD,P为一动点. (1)当点P移动到AB、CD之间时,如图(1),这时∠P与∠A、∠C有怎样 He let me repeat his instruction to make sure that I understood what was___after he went away.He let me repeat his instruction to make sure that I understood what ___after he went away.第一个是to be done,第二个是 to do?分析一下有什么 He let me repeat his instruction ___sure that I understood what was___after he went away.A.to make;to be done B.making;doingC.tomake;to do D.making;todo He let me repeat his instruction___sure that I understood what was___after he went away.A.to make;to be doneB.making;doingC.to make;to doD.making;to do选A ? 第7小题谢谢 只要第7小题 第7小题咋做? 看《道德经》能懂什么? 第七小题, 第6 7小题 函数y=sin2xcos2x怎么化成1/2 sin4x, 怎么做六年级的数学急 函数y=3sin4x+根号3cos4x的最大值是 求第7小题 谢木兰辞官不做,突出他不图名利禄的高尚品格的句子是: 木兰诗中写木兰不愿接受功名利禄而愿辞官回家的诗句是哪句我这里的试卷给的只有两个空. Sorry,you've got _______ wrong number.A.theB.aC./ sorry you got the wrong number Sorry~you got the wrong number~莫名短信,收到这个内容的短信,好心回对方,搞错了,还硬说是本人先发给“它”的,话说现在手机号码能像扣扣号一样被盗用吗~ 1.a young girl sat there,___(chew) a piece of gum2.no one has come up with a __(convince) explanation of why this kind of animal died out.3.the play was __(direct) by a very famous director.4.the whole family were proud of his ___(outstand) performan be born 是被动语态 还是 形容词 take the name take the name