
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:36:24
which seasons are your favorite?啥意思 3岁的孩子说话吞吞吐吐的,应该怎么帮助他提高表达能力 Imports lead exports by almost a 2-1 margin.?这句如何翻译?急,在线等~~谢谢好心人解答! 因为我表达能力差所以我很少说话这样给对 好心人,求解,谢谢!这是翻译 1.“what's wrong with the book?'"One page is _____"A.disappeared B.losing C.missing D.disappearing2.You ____ the same mistake again and againA.always make B.always are makingC.are always making D.are always made麻烦说下理由 ___all the boys in her class Mike was the most honest one,Kate believed every word he said.A.Because of B.Because C.As D.For thatOh,it's nearly 8 o'clock.Jack should have come earlier.But you may___that he won't be late,since he is always on time.A.r Scientists who study___noise say that____average noise level in New York is 72.5 decibels(分贝)A./;the B./;an C.the;an D.the;the我老是搞不清是an average of还是the average of还是什么的?把有关average的主要词组告诉我,要准 1.The witness said that the UFO -------east to west when he saw it .Awas traveling B .travelled C.had been traveling D.was to travel2.We are advisded not to respond to any e-mails -----personal information ,no matter how official they look. places which are densely populated are habitable environments. 4578 什么意思? 世界上有vfo吗 英语翻译63810:places which are densely populated are habitable environments.求本句翻译及语言点1—places which are densely populated are habitable environments.翻译:人口密集的地方是适于居住的环境places which are dens 世界上有没有VFO?... listen to conversation 1.tow animals are wrong places which are they?什么意 他说话吞吞吐吐用粤语怎么讲?粤 语也叫吞吞吐吐?我听别人不是这样说? 等边三角形abc的边长为六求其内切圆的米的内接正方形的一fg的面积 中国进入世界遗产名录的景区我们应该怎么保护 如图 圆o是边长为2的等边三角形abc的内切圆,则圆O半径为 《三国演义》中忠诚和智慧的象征 边长为2的等边三角形abc内接于圆o,则圆心到△abc一边的距离为? 三国演义中谁是忠诚且智慧的 外星有没有生命体要实际点的. 外星真的有生命体吗? 大家相信有外星生命体吗?昨天晚上看新闻 说目前人类发现一千多亿个星系 每个星系有几千亿颗星球我想宇宙有这么多颗星球 而且是目前人类发现的 还有没有被发现的未知颗星球 那么宇宙 外星生命体请列表 等边三角形abc的边长为6求其内切圆的内接正方形 等边三角形ABC的边长为a求其内切圆的内接正方形的面积 等边三角形abc的边长为6,求其内切圆的内接正方形defg HIRING FOR ATTITUDE怎么样 等边三角形abc的边长为六求其内切圆的内接正方形defg的面积 英语翻译《态度最关键》?这样行不行?或者大家有更好的建议. Hire for attitude,train for skill.