
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 00:08:08
谁能帮我选个好听的英文名字 (女生的)要读起来很好听 比较有特色,可爱一点点 意思读起来要顺口一点点 取一些文艺的英文名~读起来有好听的,有点含义的,但不要常见的要女名可以是组装的英文名.最好是S开头的 英语翻译Michael was a farmer in Texas.His parents moved to the USA from Ireland in the 1940’s,and they became very rich.Michael decided to go back to Ireland to meet his old grandfather,who was still living on the same farm.Michael booked 英语翻译value of zero stop wobbles?NO!Wobbles of zero means div by 0 crash."How many wobbles would you like?" "0" "You must have wobbles!I kill you!" 英语翻译“当大型机关、单位和公司的档案数量比较多时,手工管理档案就变得非常麻烦.如需要查询一些档案,了解或者变更档案的一些基本数据,要是没有一个好的档案管理软件管理,则工作 外国人是怎么取英文名有什么 特点,或者 是什么 发音规则.再或者...请 举一些例 我想问下外国人眼中这些英文名怎么样?会不会很怪或者太过时古老 会不会太大众?然后适合什么年龄阶段的女生?katherine Lexi Isobel Yolanda Lucine Vicky Vanessa Valerie 求个老外帮取个英文名我叫吴延锋 谁帮取个英文名字 ..1990年06月的 外国人一般有几个英文名? 英语翻译谈论天气方面的话题总不失为一个好主意 你也这样做才是礼貌的 when in Rome,do as the Romans do(翻译为中文) 英语读音求助this is an unrealistic~从an后要连音吗,怎么读 新木马屠城记 HELEN OF TROY怎么样 电影《Helen of troy》和《荷马史诗》的区别有哪些啊?麻烦能不能根据两部作品,详细说出异同点,谢谢··· Troy-Helen是什么意思?急、、好像前者是那个特洛伊的意思...但是整个词挺难懂的.哥哥姐姐们...快帮帮忙把..... helen of 我同学平的好友印象 但是只是搜到电影名 英语翻译My best friend is Xiao Li,but last week in school we had a big fight,and she didn't talk to me.It all started when she asked me if she could copy my homework.Iasked her why she wanted to do that,and she said that she had forgotten to do h My friend is a star,is also a handsome boy 速度知道这句话的意思, My best friend is s----- to my sister把横线上给我添上,以s开头的单词, Loneliness is my best friend Is this a teacher?的肯定回答是什么?可以是Yesi,it is 还是Yes,he/she is __Helen_______(wash) clothes?yes,she is. yes it is和yes she is的区别为什么书上写的是 isn't the girl LIly?No it isn't.that is her twin sister.这里不是应该说NO she isn’的吗?到底什么时候用it什么时候有she? 10.______Helen____________(wash )clothes?Yes ,she is . ______she______music teacher?——Yes,she is.A.Is;your B.Are;you C.Am;your the girl is a friend of tom's.she is___her trip to shanghai.talking for/with/of/to The girl named ellie is a friend of tom 这里为什么用named Tom is having?has?is hasing?have) a girl friend now. The girl ( )(穿红大衣的)is Tom.怎么填,第一个回答的我会设为最佳答案! Mary is Tom's girl f-----. 英语翻译a bit fat she has a round face she has two big black eyes and a small nose her hair is short and black she likes red she often wears red shoes she linkes animals she has a black dog in her home she and the dog are good friends who is he? 如何翻译she is a a girl of more attitude 英语翻译整篇怎么放不到上去呢?