
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 07:04:35
1.The professor's talk______the world situation was recorded_______.A.on;at present B.on;just now C.for;just now D.for;just2.Mr.White ______to smoke a lot,but now he_______to the life without smoking.A.used;has got used B.had got used;has got used C. 为什么六级那么努力准备还是这么差 1.Wuhan is __________ Shanghai than Nanjing.A.far from B.father to C.farther from D.further from2.___________work has been done,has it?A.Few B.A few C.Little D.A little3.She dreamed of buying a car _______A.of her own B.of own C.of hers D.of herself4 西语音节划分1.desague,u上有两点,算元音还是什么,这个词语为什么是de/sa/gua.2.为什么不是ac/re/e/do/res,而是a/cre/e/do/res.为什么是ahu/ma/do,而不是a/hu/ma/do 西班牙语有b(或v)位于m(或b)之后而处于一个音节中的词吗?菜鸟问:*有没有mb.../nb.../mv.../nv...开头的单词,其中的m和n发音吗? *有没有mb.../nb.../mv.../nv...位于词尾的单词,其中的m和 4道初二的英语单项选择 (需要原因)1.Mom,look at the shirt.It seems ____.It fitted (合身) me last year,but it does’nt now.A.short B.shorter C.a shorter D.the shortest2,--- Do you mind my sitting here?--- ____.A.Yes,sit down B.No,yo 3道初二的英语单项选择 (需要原因)1.Which brand (品牌) of jeans do you wear ____?I like Apple’s.A.often B .much often C.more often D.the most often 2 Jack,I can hardly read what you wrote.Could you write ____A.clear B.clearly C.cl 4道初二的英语单项选择 (需要分析)1,It ____ dark.Shall I turn on the light A.will get B.gets C.is getting D.got2.--- Are you sure our team will beat theirs?--- Of course.We have ____ players.A.many B.more C.strong D.better3.--- What d 第5页地5题 大学英语不考四级能直接考六级吗? 将下面的一个长句改成三个意思连贯的短句可改变语序,或是当增减,但不得改变语意:“你们在祝贺之后将作出与之相应的为寻求一个解决多年来困让着联合国的问题的公正而实际的办法而 在低倍显微镜,观察字母d的标志是 你知道再低倍显微镜下视察字母“d”的标本是? 最下面的字母是D………… …… 牛津7B首字母填空there are too many new books here,can you help me c themthere are too many new books here,can you help me c them 如何划分音节(西语)enriquecimiento 西班牙语quienes怎样划分音节 一个朋友想学西班牙语,不知道哪里教的比较好呢?急不好意思哈.我朋友是西安的.想就近学习呢.西安有没有呢? 由und,ay,pl,gro组成的英语词语是什么 英语填介词问题Frank was born ___ German parents. 1.He suffered a great deal ---- a cough and wasn't able to go to sleep for a week.2.The disease is spreading quickly and all the children are ---- risk.3.Initially,Bob wanted to sign ---- for the match,but he soon changed his mind.4.As many as ten mi 英语翻译{”sorrow at parting}{many times drop}{i already blanket hurt be birthday suit}{the heart already be broken up}{i don't want crying}{but i true griere}{world already guard me throw away}{i demand go where} 英语翻译Thank you SO MUCH for your card,you are so sweet and considerate.In US,we remember all Chinese holiday in mind,but no time to celebrate.Thank you very much.God told me that you are a very smart girl too,you are a good writer,wen-chai in C 英语翻译Hi Chen,We are branding DVR company in USA ,currently doing some DVR/ DVR KIT and security camera items.POs amount around 2M USD per monthly.we are looking for small size ,entry level simple function monitor with D-sub ,maybe closeouts go 求会解的英语学霸把答案解出给我,谢谢! 跪求七下人教版英语课堂练习册答案, 新英语四六级评分表是怎么样的?有没有底分?王长喜的那个评分表准准吗? 王长喜英语四六级补习班怎么样 王长喜四六级英语补习班怎么样? 英语填介词 练习1.i want to work [ ] actors.it's very exciting.2.we have many kinds [ ]noodles.3.i don't want to talk [ ] this matter it has nothing to do whit me.4.go down bridge street and turn left[ ]new park.5.there is a small house [ ] a l 没了太阳,向日葵能活多久?笨蛋! 太阳花不见太阳可以活吗因为我家在一楼,又没有院子,只能在一楼窗户边养一些花,常年不见阳光,但喜阴植物难与照顾,故网上搜索说太阳花非常好养,所以想问问,我真的在窗台上养太阳花,有