
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 19:43:08
你们有谁知道小学五年级的数学书下册是那几个章节 我们的家房子很小 (夸张句) 房子不是家,有爱才有家.这句话现实吗? For best reliability & performance,please change the stand alone如题 昼夜对人的生活有什么影响? 三角形内从一个顶点往下画条直线,此图形有几个直角?另有一问就是此图形由几条线段组成? Will be fine in ererv lonelv night 格莱美奖项 best rap performance by a dou or group it is the best performance i haven't got before.语法对吗 如果你还能活十天你会去做什么? 如果你还能活十天你都会干什么? we have arrived in the hot,wet city of bwe have arrived in the hot,wet city of bangkok翻译 When we ___in Bangkok,the ___here was hot and wet.This was our first time to Thailand,so___was interesting.Thai food is world-famous,so all of us___to eat the food there verymuch.We ate___special for dinner.TheThai food ___hot but very delicious,and 如何提高初二孩子的写作 100元投入.以1%的速度复利增长,90天后扣除本金,提取的利润不能再复利.问题是怎样提取利润足够本金.而且剩余账号内资金最大化.. 复利的利率要怎么算?12000元,两年,利率为a%(未知数),最终得到的钱是13230,已有答案为a是5,公式为A{n}=P(1+i%){n}{ }里面为次方. 人会发生什么变化高兴时人会怎样3~4条,人不高兴时人又怎样3~4 一句话会让人发生什么变化吗? 只填2个+和两个- (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8=100)(8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8=1000) 求一道数学题(x-6)×1.5/3600=22.5/1000 五分钟内!(x-6)*1.5/3600=22.5/1000 五分钟之内呀! we saw abandoned farms which were built more than a hundred years age 利用等比数列的前n项和的共识证明a^n+a^(n-1)b+a^(n-2)*b^2+...+b^n=a^(n+1)-b^(n+1)/(a-b)其中n属于正整数,a,b是不为0的常数,a不等于b. 改错 in the past few years ,many buildings were built in my hometown.还有几道改错题1.there will have an english film tonight2.he was made work twelve hours a day3.these kinds of machines are sold well 超级月亮对人有什么影响? 等比数列{2^n}的前n项之和sn=? 爱的春天不会有天黑英语怎么说 等比数列1,-3,3*2,·····的前N项和Sn=? 在等比数列中,前n项和为Sn①若Sn=2,S(3n)=14 则S(4n)= ( 用括号括起来的是项数,电脑不好表示) ②已知{An},{Bn}满足A(1)=1,且An,A(n+1)是函数f(x)=X²-BnX+(2的n次方) 的两个零点,则B(10)=如 等比数列{an}的前n项和为Sn=a-(1/2)^n,则各项和为 national是什么牌子 小巷深处的故事是真的么 果果这个名用英文叫啥