
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 21:16:14
用括号中所给的动词的适当形式填空 He says he has already ___(finish)his work?用适当的介词填空 I was reading ___bed at 9o'clock last night .Two thives climbed ___our kitch yesterday.Can I buy this car ___instalments?He says he c 怎样理解:今天的每一分钟都值得珍惜这一句话 握住眼前的幸福,珍惜与他{她}在一起的每一分钟 一天有24个小时,可以做很多很多事情,珍惜每一分钟!用英语怎么翻译 "我想做一个世界上最伟大的人" 中翻英 he said he _(go) on with his work that night 主语是第三人称是加es还是用不定式啊 angel of love可以翻译成“天使的爱”吗? 英语翻译 Angle's love to you快翻译这一句 马上选答案! Angel will take care my love for you翻译成汉语. It is said that __Chinese language is especially …It is said that __ Chinese language is especially difficult for __European.A.the,an B./,the C.the,a D./,a理由是什么? 中翻英,英文好的人进~他是否经常说他发觉时不时和外国人操练英语很有用.用宾语从句 英语好的进!Q1:国际舆论指出朝鲜研制核武器是为了对抗美国在经济等各方面的压制,请问朝鲜政府对此有何回应?Q2:核武器的研制将会对朝鲜人民日常生活带来哪些影响? each of us 后面加have的什么形式 We each have a dictionary.(改为同义句)_____of us____a dictionary. We each have a good healthy.同义句转换Each of us has a good dictionary.这两句有什么关联哟?healthy和dictionary的意思一点也不一样嘛,能讲一讲吗? We each have a dictionary.的同义句是Each of us has a dictionary.那么另一个同一句是All of us have a dictionary.还是All of us have dictionaries. already & have done 怎么区别,都是代表已经发生了啊.可以通用吗 my sister can (swim very well .)对括号里提问 你们美国人都是垃圾,我讨厌你们"用英语怎么说? 中翻英 在乡村生活之后我永远也无法适应在大城市了 骂美国人话谁有,就像美国人骂中国人chink类似得话?要英语的?要比chink狠得! 哪个城市适合人居住 When ___the shopping mall___ (build) each of us have a radio.哪错了? 请问:Each of us have a look对还是不对 翻译Each of us has a dictionary和Each have a dictionary第二句麻烦说详细点谢谢 my brother can () very well.He is () now.A.sing,singing B.singing,sing csing,sings 1.sing,my,can,brother,well,very.2.park,they,are,going,the,to,Sunday,this.连词成句 sing,my,can,brother,well,vary.请把以上这几个英语单词连成一句. alien to与...相反angry with sb at/about sth生气,愤怒 be angry with/at/about sb/sth 这些词组怎么分开,因为那本书加了几个破折号,我都不知道要怎么读好了?如题,