
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 19:08:43
已知:a+x^=2007,b+x^=2008,c+x^=2009,且abc=6027.求a/bc+b/ac+c/ab+1/a+1/b+1/c的值(要有具体步骤) 找数学人教版初三上的难题 就是分式 反比例函数 数据 勾股定理的 最好有答案 着急用 数学竞赛题,有关分式,反比例函数和勾股定理的急求,下周就要竞赛 求两套关于反比例函数、分式、勾股定理综合试卷要的是综合试卷~每套卷子都要三部分的内容的~只要找点题,拼在一起就行了~30分就得到了~怎么就是没几个人来答啊~要不下面那位回答者 初二数学下册分式、反比例函数、 勾股定理、四边形原理 反比例函数 勾股定理 四边形 数据的分析给我些公式 要完整点的哦 化为最简分式.X2-(Y-Z)2----------------(X+Y)2-Z2 XY(XY-X2)乘以------------X-Y 请告诉我数学书五年级的上册的91页的第5题怎么做!?很急啊,拜托~~ 八年级上册数学课本139页习题答案A城有肥料200吨,B城有肥料300吨,现要把这些肥料全部运往C、D两乡,从A城往C、D两乡的运费分别为每吨20元和25元,从B城往C、D两乡的运费分别为每吨15元和24元, 人教版八年级下册数学书第36页第五题怎么做 RT,是勾股定理的 你有八年级下次数学书习题16.2;16.3和复习题16的答案吗? 运动员两端的半圆形跑到外径为R,内经为r,中间为直跑道,整个跑道总面积为S,请用含S,R,r的式子表示直跑道的长a. 小学练习与测试六年级数学(上册)54页,55页54页2.(1-六分之五*五分之三)/4 1-九分之八/三分之四*四分之三4.学校食堂原有大米四分之三吨,前3天每天吃掉八分之一吨,剩下的2天吃完.剩下的平局 小学数学六年级练习与测试有甲乙2个粮库.甲粮库存粮120吨,如果把甲粮库粮食的1/6搬到乙粮库中,两个粮库中所谓粮食就相等.原来乙粮库中存粮多少吨? 数学六年级(上册)练习与测试第十六页 小学数学六年级上册二单元检测题(4) 小学数学练习与测试第10页答案 这个完形填空咋做啊 帮忙做完形填空 初三完形填空A lot of people believe that they should drink 8glasses or 2 litres of water a day.But a new report thinks d______?填个D开头的字母!说明原因! 英语初三完形填空.Michelangelo lived in Florence.He was 1 _____ all over Italy for his beautiful work.The governor (州长) of Florence asked Michelangelo to make a statue (雕像) out of a large piece of marble (大理石).He worked for two y 初三下学期的完形填空Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a Scottish doctor,but he didn't earn much every month.Then he began writing detective stories because he needed___41___.His first story A Study in Scarlet___42___in 1887.It was about a detectiv Here is a story about a clever dog.It was a seeing-eye dog.A seeing-eye dog can help blind (瞎的) people walk along the streets and do many other things.One day a seeing-eye dog and a blind man ___1___ on bus together.The bus was full of ___2___ an 完型填空(初三)The most(1) w---- spoken language in the world is English.Many peopie understand and use it(2) t---- the world .Indeed,English is a very (3)i----and useful language.(4)i---- we know English,we can travel anywhere and we (5)w-- Learning how to play the piano is not the only way for children to have a bright future.Children can choose what they like in many ways.Many children are good at sports.Maybe they will be great players when they grow up.Here is another example :the _ 完形填空 They start communicating in this language,paying no attention to all ___ spoken around them.A.other B.others C.the other D.the others我实在想不通是为什么,另外 这里的spoken在句子中是什么成分?麻烦填上后再帮 初三的完形填空 问英语题……五四制初三……是一道完形填空,说的是宇航员什么的……befor f____into space, they had lots of p_____. Each upside-down training l____for many days. They also have to know every part of the spaceship and how it 初三的一道英语完形填空题 会的朋友请帮忙,1.she sobbed and sobbed ._____that she had to hold it back for a whole day.A.Since B.Before C.Until 一道英语完形填空题All people,m____and w_______,old and young,use it.答案是man woman可是我写的是,我也觉得是men women就是应该填复数啦