
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 07:15:03
有一首歌是个女生哼唱的,歌词是噜噜噜噜噜噜噜噜噜噜,噜噜噜噜噜噜噜噜噜,大概就是这样是一个女生很轻的哼唱,就是噜噜噜噜噜噜噜噜噜, √2*√3/√6=? 一道数学题,求大神围观,要说算法,思路甲乙丙三人合作一批零件,甲做的个数是另外两个人的3分之1,乙做的个数是另外两个人 丙做了260个零件,这批零件共有多少个 Freedom means nothing for me I don't care about my freedom呢?i do not need freedom呢 怎么传照片在百度 百度一搜照片就出来了 film胶卷是可数名词还是不可数名词 film 和 movie有什么不同?作名词时. film什么时候是可数名词,什么时候是不可数名词 film(胶卷) 是可数名词吗? crave for 和 yearn for有什么区别 I just do things for myself JUSTLIKEALLOFYOU拜托各位大神 just finished,and finishing up things for tomorrow这里的finishing 为什么要加ing哦 what issues involved in censoring the internet翻译下... Japan declared___20-kilometer no-go area around___nuclear power plant damaged by the earthquake.A.a;aB.the;the C.the; a D.a;the求详解 古代印度文明最早兴起于A.印度河流域B.恒河流域C. film作为胶卷可数吗 film是可数名词还是不可数名词? 10年6月4级估分作文写得还行满分15应该有12左右快速阅读全对听力选择加听写错5个选词填空错4个阅读错1个完形填空错5个翻译错1或2个请考过的大神看看大概多少分PS:看看成绩出来估计够不 英语语法,谁可以告诉我所有的英语语法啊现在,我的语法一塌糊涂的,凡是英文语法学的好的就告诉我吧,可以加分的,对了,如果有网站或者视频也可以滴, 谁来告诉我一些英语语法比如现在分词、过去式、将来时之类的I am looking out( )the windowThe pigs are falling asleep( )the treeThey are jumping( )the waterEveryone says hello( )them顺便给我讲一讲 傣族的习俗作文600字, 尼罗河的年径流量为什么比较小?亚马逊河的年径流量为什么那么大? in time和on time怎么记忆?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊我知道一个是及时 一个是准时 但是一直混淆 有没有比较深刻有趣的记忆方法? 谢谢! 看意思写带“费”字的词语:(文章的言辞,说话)不易理解叫( ) 几道非谓语动词分析(有答案)1:I’m going to have my watch________?A A:fixed B:to fix C:fix D:fixing 2,________the letter,he went out to post it CA:writing B:Being written C:Having D:Written3:_______anything about the accideng,he went 青春的自白(1500字左右) 非谓语动词练习选择答案1. They knew her very well. They had seen her __ up from childhood. A. grow B. grew C. was growing D. to grow2.The chair looks rather hard, but in fact, it is very comfortable to_________. A. sit B. sit on C. 1.The lecture began by __________ us where the island was,and went on __________ about its history.A.telling,talking B.to tell,to talk C.telling,to talk D.he told,talking2.The secretary worked late into the night,__________ a long speech for the pres "理无可恕,情有可原"与"情有可原,理无可恕"除了右语序上有曲别外,在语意上有什么不同呢? 某些非谓语动词的题目...麻烦解释下.注.的是正确答案.^^1.What do you think of the book?Oh,excellent.It' s worth ____a second time.(MET89)A.to read B.to be read C.reading!D.being read[其实我选的是B.不是worth to b She went into the kitchen in search _____ a drink.A.for B.with C.of D.on "理无可恕,情有可原"与"情有可原,理无可恕"除了右语序上有曲别外,在意思上有什么不同呢?