
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 20:14:00
白砂糖的功效与作用 白开水加盐有什么好处? 白砂糖有什么作用 中国白酒有哪几种香型,各种香型酒的代表是哪些? 中国最贵的白酒是什么酒? 中国白酒一共有哪几种香型 开水冲生鸡蛋加白糖有什么作用 睡前喝一杯白糖开水有哪些好处哪些坏处. 酒精是什么能源 写过答案的三道题求答案的选择理由 和理由 酒以香味分为几类? :按照酒的制造方法可以分为几类.并加以举例. 中国习惯上将酒分为哪几类,都有什么特点,麻烦再列举一下各类酒中的名酒? 酒水主要分为哪几类?写出每种酒水代表性的著名品牌? 含盐10%的盐水200克中蒸发掉X克水,得到含盐量为25%的盐水,此时盐水中含盐()克,原来盐水中含盐()克急 酒分几种? 谁知道白酒分哪几种?酿酒原料与方法决定酒的分类 中国有几种酒型?发 有200克含盐5%的盐水.要使盐水含盐率成20%,(1)需要加盐多少克?(2)或需要蒸发东少克的水?第一个问的答案你再问要老师哦,加了盐之后,分母就不再是200了哦,应该是200+加入的盐吧. The snow is three feet ____.A.deeply B.deepen C.deep D.deepenedThe robber was ___ with a rifle.A.arm B.arms C.armed D.armingIt is well know that Thomas Edison ____ the electric lamp.A.discovered B.invented C.found D.developedThe man who does his duty 盐水200克,含盐率百分之10,要使含盐率达到百分之16,要蒸发多少克水? Choose the best answer to the following sentences.1.I was worried as to whether you were going to be a mental _______ for life or not.A.cripple B.disabled C.inability D.incapability2.Petitions(请愿书) bearing nearly a half million _______ went to 1 When we got off the train ,it---Arained Bhad been raining Chad rained Dwas raining2The children ---very quiet,Iwonder what they are up to.Aare being Bare looking Care seeing Dare appearing3Iam sorry I haven't wrttten for such along time,but I---- v 求Have they ____the food on the table to the children before dinner?A.given out B.given away C.gave away D.given up还有I got so many gifts on Christmas,then I__ some away to my best friends.A.gave B.put C.threw D.took 关于“人生”古诗词有哪些? 关于智慧的古诗2首要完整30号以前回答 乡村生活古诗词_ _ 古诗句,聪明在于学习,什么什么什么什么, 举例说明生活中存在的危害其他生命的现象 1.( )He always tells funny things to make me -----.A:sad B:laughing C:happy D:happily2.( )The train arrived---Nanjing ----6.00----the afternoon of September.13 A:at,at,in B:in,at.in C:in,at,on D:at,in,on My teeth zche.I have to go_____.A.the dentistB.to the dentist'sC.to the dentistD.to see the dentist's