
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 06:04:45
Sometimes,people can stay angry for years about a small problem.这里的stay angry 存字开头 成语接龙还有是字开头的 to be the man,u gotta beat the man谁经常说这句话? you are the man you want to be 是什么意思? 要使函数y=1+2的x次方+4的x次方*a在X属于(-无穷,1】上y>0恒成立,求a的取值范围 某电厂规定,用户用电,如果一个月用了A度或A度以下,每度电费为0.2元,如果一个月的电费超过了A度,则超过部分每度电的电费按A/625元计算,其余部分仍按每度电0.2计算,某户居民四、五月用电交 水果店按等级出售苹果,最好为一等,每千克售价3.6元,其次为二等,每千克售价为2.8元,最次为三等,每千克售价2.1元,现在三种苹果的数量之比为2:3:1,若将它们混合在一起,每千克定价多少元合 孔子家语 致思第八 译文 线字开头的成语接龙 (2011•贵阳)研究发现:人在饮酒后驾车的应急反应时间是未饮酒时的2~3倍.反应时间是指司机从看到意外情况到踩刹车需要的这段时间;在反应时间内汽车要保持原速前进一段距离, 货车过江交轮渡费三十元,客车交二十元,轿车交十元.一天,过江的轿车和客车数量比是2:9,客车和货车比是3:7,共收轮渡费12450元.这天过江的轿车、客车和货车各有多少辆? ——How are you feeling?——I feel much better.Thank you.A.right B.Wrong英语不是很好 连基本的也没弄懂______come to dinner tonight?A.Would you like to B.How about C.What about 疑问词填空:---------are you today?Much better,thank you. How are you ___(fell) ——Much better 今晚 How are you( )now?Much better.A feeling B making C seeing D eating选哪个 this evening与tonight的区别完了我觉得好,就加十分,不好就免了 有关雨雪的古诗 In many western countries if you are the guest ,you______(invite) to serve yourself.填 will be invited 还是are invited Workers are paid w____in many western countries tonight和this evening有什么区别 我和朋友一起吃饭喝酒.朋友酒后驾车撞人,我只是一起被邀请的.这事与我有关吗? 我常挂在嘴边的一句话 800字作文必须和其他作文内容不一样,内容必须健康.速度快点 《有句话留在嘴边》 的作文~600字给好评 翻译:A man becomes learned by asking questions. asking,I've,lot,learned,a,the,questions,teacher,by (连词成句) tonight/evening/night.等表示晚上的词,都具体表示晚上几点,或是哪个时间段啊? poeple seem to talk only about the game. get people to talk about the products.翻译 If you like helping people,you can be a p______ Once beautiful,now the distance,the future of you and me. evening 和tonight有什么区别? Look to the beautiful