
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 10:40:26
元方候袁公解释远近之称的称字是什么意思6.解释下列加点的词语(1)远近(称)之( )(2)不知卿家君(法)孤( ) 7.翻译下面的句子.孤往者尝为邺令,正行此事.8.袁公两次问 With so much to do and so little time to doit in,...句型:With so much to do and so little time to do it in,how are we to cope?译文:事情如此的多,时间却如此的少,我们该怎样做?请问:中间逗号前的in有什么用? 我今天有科学上 英语怎么写 读段,判断正误.I am Tina.Today is Friday.We have music,math and science.I like Fridays.But my good friend Lucy doesn't.She likes Mondays and Tuesdays,because she likes art very much.And we have a new art teacher.She is very kind.We both like her Don't worry.We ___(help) you.用are helping还是will help 请说明理由 Don not worry!we _____ (help)you.选择恰当的形式填空谜语:the visiting of interesting places,especially by people on holiday._______the general weather conditions usually found in a particular._____________ 怎么写.么么哒的 么么哒么么哒! 给答案的全是好人么么哒 求翻译 May God always bless this kind person below with i can't afford that evpensive a car i can't afford ___ computer at present.A.that expensive a 这里答案就是这个,请问that 可以和so 一样后面加形容词这么用的吗, May God always bless this kind person below withMay God always bless this kind person below with 什么意思啊!急!在线等~~给好评~~~~~ 当袁公问“自己与元方父亲谁效仿谁”的问题时,元方的回答妙处在何处 They are still working ________ the house outside.填什么介词 weekend和weekday有什么区别 don't move ___cry A.or B.yet C.so D.for 如图,兴华中学有两块紧挨着的边长分别为a,b的正方形空地,为了美化校园,现打算在图中阴影部分种植草皮↓求所要种植的草皮面积 光明中学有一块长方形为x的正方形空地.现在设想按图一图二两种方式种植草皮:①如图1,正方形空地上留两条宽为2m米的小路;②如图2,在正方形空地四周各留一块边长为m米的正方形空地植 weekday 和weekend 有什么区别如题 wish 的句式 噶几什么意思? 对划线部分提问The population of our city is .< > 内是划线部分..._____ _____ _____ _____ your city 四个空,填什么?To learn English well is very important .( 改为同义句 )_______ _______ very important _______ _______ _______ well at the weekends,at weekends,at the weekend,at weekend 怎么区别? 求大量宋词.只要是好的.都上来.最好是有些节奏感的 I can't speak Japanese,but I do wish I (could).为什么用could?a.can b.could c.had d.having为什么有could是因为wish后用过去时表目前没有完成吗? 所噶 什么意思 如图每个小正方形的边长为1把阴影部分剪下来用剪下来的阴影部分拼成一个正方形那么新镇中学边长是 兴华中学有一块边长为a米的正方形空地,现设想按图1,图2两种方式去种植草皮:方式兴华中学有一块边长为a米的正方形空地,现设想按图1、图2两种方式去种植草皮:方式一如图1在正方形空地上 She rushed into the kitchen _______(save) the poor man. O H中间应填三个什么英语字母 填英语字母A()()le加上意思 请填英语字母