
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 09:07:09
一般疑问词有哪些 一般将来时疑问词用什么 描写宁静的句子或短语快…………谢啦! 什么样的蟋蟀好 蟋蟀吃什么东西好 百词斩、拓词,扇贝哪个更好用一点? 各位研友们〜拓词扇贝哪个好用?我现在用的拓词,背了四分之一了,但是感觉记不住,而且考研词汇考熟词僻义很多,你们用扇贝怎么样?我感觉分词根记忆还不错,百词斩就算了.图不搭意.拓 这就是我(作文),有哪些事件(材料)可以写提供有特色一点的事件(越多越好),现在写作文暂时没什么头绪 请问“my friends,wish all of you happy everyday”是什么意思 寻一个感人视频!情节开始是儿子在一边做饭一边回忆母亲!最后儿子对着母亲的遗像在吃午饭!好象有句台词 和母亲说以后天天做饭给你吃 if you don't get up early ,you'll be late.改同义句____ up early,_____you'll be late If you don't get up early,you may__(be) late 十三个党风廉政教育活动总结 意林少年版与原创版的区别我们平时在报刊亭买的普通的那一种是什么版?月刊是分上半月与下半月吗? 反腐倡廉工作总结包括哪些方面? He got up early so that he wouldn't be late again he got early _____ _____ ______to be late again请讲讲 Get up earlu or you will be late.(同义句转换) ______ _______ _____get up early,you____ be late. 英语翻译请问这句应该怎么翻译?But the Earth's core is also rich in Iridium,and the core is the source of magma that some scientists say spewed out in vast,floodlike flows that piled up more than 1.5 miles thick over 1 million square mile 一辆汽车从A地去B地,在离开中点60千米处停车加油,这时乘下的路程比已行的少20%.A.B两地相距多少千米?要算式 珍惜生命,热爱生命的格言? C#public的用法public AdminHomePage AdminHomePage { get; set; }刚开始学,怎么两个相同的名字呢? Fortran中common的用法 common/a/b/c/d/e是什么意思? 关于单词public的用法make a donation to public和make a donation to the public有区别麽?加不加定冠词有区别麽? Fortran中common的用法 COMMON /a/b,/c/d/e ,f It`s really _____ that a tortoise can _____ 150 years old.A.amazed;live up to B.amazed;live up to C.amazing;live to D.amazing;live up to have ...in common 中间可以放什么?有很多相同之处可以说:have much /a lot in common有一些共同之处可以说:have something in common没什么共同之处可以说:have little /nothing in common请问有没有 :have a littl It’s a really wonderful evening.()选项:a、I’m glad you enjoyed it.b、It’s so kind of you.c、You are my friends.d、 Do you really like so?选哪个 have sth in common we have not a lot in common .have 为什么可以直接加not ,这是什么用法?have 为什么可以直接加not ,这是什么用法?we have not a lot in common=we do not a lot in common还we do not have a lot in common? have in common名句 补充谚语________,回头是岸.良言一句三冬暖,_______________.___________________________;坚车能装载,过河不如舟. 俗语补充胜不骄,谦受益,眼中钉,眼不见,冤有头,挂羊头,高不成,