
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 12:50:24
我是一名村支部书记,现在有一个支部委员辞职了,乡里说可以不经过选举,让我直接任命乡里说,可以不经过党员选举,让我从党员里任命一名支部委员,还有,选举时村主任没有选举出来,能直接 三峡什么峡最长?有什么特点? 巴东三峡哪一峡最长 I will can you as soon as I ______ Hong Kong.A、return to B、get back C、go back D、arrivedI will can you as soon as I ______ Hong Kong.A、return to B、get back C、go back D、arrived 请说明为什么! 配角翻译成英语是? 你们都仅仅是个配角求翻译成英语 哪位高人能帮我用英文翻译一下陈佩斯与朱时茂的小品《主角与配角》? 郑人有且置履者的至和市是什么意思 巴东山峡巫峡长,袁鸣三声泪沾裳是什么意思 巴东三峡五峡长,袁鸣三声泪沾裳.翻译. 明朝末年的军队建制 明朝末年江南留有明朝的哪些势力?比如:军队,钱粮等等. 明朝末年,为什么就没见什么勤王部队来勤王啊?假如有好多勤王部队,我估计李自成也不会那么容易打进来啊 明朝末年“天雄军”的统帅是? 用英语称呼大学同学们,像boys and girls之类的— 汉武帝活多少岁? 同样是法西斯国家 日本和德国 谁在二战中的战斗力更强一些 Is Roy Green an English boy? We walk along the p_____ across the field. 麦琪的礼物(英文版),要500~600个单词的. 或者缩写下面这一篇,也是500~600个单词的. 谢谢~~One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. And sixty cents of it was in pennies. Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldo The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent!怎么翻译?wound、right在这里有什么意思和作用? cause destruction "to/in the city" ,两者有区别吗 Please not only support us,but the cause这句话什么意思 汉武帝几岁死的?怎么死的? 五年级的数学应用题..下面..拜托来..1.一节长方体形状的铁皮通风管长2米,横截面是边长为10厘米的正方体,做这节通风管至少需要多少平方厘米铁皮?2.一个长方体的木块,截成两个完全相等的 党支部换届选举几年一次? 选择填空.The boy ( )flying a kite.A.like B .likes c.are i am singer Hope is always more during the day,the is no night! 是什么意思 we hope to become more___in predicting earthquakes.A.exact B.correct C.precise D.accurate The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent!请分析不是要翻译 The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tend.请问其中的then是什么词性,起什么作用.