
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 03:16:21
Who can invite me to dinner at this restaurant Cool!I have a great idea!Monkey,I forgot something important!When is your birthday?Don,t worry,Zoom.My birthday is months away,on October 10th .请帮我翻译这段对话,朋友! 楚庄王是春秋时期“五霸”之一,此外还有哪几位? He sent me a lever ,inviting me to dinner .这invite 为什么要加ing 曹操所谓的梦中杀人,他想搞什么是不是立军威 不明其意. May I invite you ____dinner with me tonight?A for B to C at D with 杨修之死课文中曹操说自己梦中好杀人的目的是什么? 2008年冬季气象预测2008--2009秋冬季节全国气候大体上是个什么状况 曹操自称"梦中好杀人"是确有其事还是另有原因? 春夏秋冬 那个季节最长 春夏秋冬哪个季节太阳离地球的距离最近? 人皆以为操果梦中杀人 - Could you tell me_______?- Every four years.A.how often the Olympic Games take place B.when the Olympic Games are heldC.how often are the Olympic Games heldD.how often the Olympic Games were held为什么不选D? Can you tell the names of the two pupils是什么意思急用 can you tell me the _____(swim) names Now many foreigners think China_____A.developed rapidlyB.has developed rapidlyC.has rapid developedD.develops rapidly 许多外国人把中国与丝绸和茶叶联系起来了 Many foreigners ( )China ( ) silk and tea Shut up!Fuck! Of the Four Great Chinese Inventions,which one did not spread to the West?A.Paper making.b.printing you all shut fucking up,i can choose by mylesf 最容易让人兴奋的颜色是什么? 歌曲翻译20分 不要用软件来翻译Am I loud and clear, or am I breaking up? Am I still your charm, or am I just bad luck? Are we getting closer, or are we just getting more lost? I'll show you mine if you show me yours first Let's compare sca 甲乙两车同时从AB两地相向而行,5小时相遇,相遇后甲又行4小时到B地,这时乙车离A地60千米,AB两地相距多少千米? 什么颜色表示开心开心的颜色是什么 什么颜色代表高兴 什么颜色代表节约 为什么老会计吃香 “废水不废”体现什么哲学原理 废水的利用率可以达到%90以上,废水不废体现了什么哲学道理 又惊又喜的意思 又惊又喜指的是 又惊又喜的发现 作文600字 又惊又喜怎么造句