
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 06:28:44
已知等腰三角形的周长为40厘米,以一边为边做等边三角形,周长为45厘米,那摸这个等腰三角形的底边长为多少留的作业急须 三年级课文赵州桥的构段方式是什么 三年级课文赵州桥内容概要写什么? 等腰三角形的周长为40厘米,两边之差为2厘米,则腰长于底边长分别为? 一个等腰三角形的周长是94厘米,其中一条边长40厘米,它的三条边各长多少厘米?要答案的过程 如图,四边形ABCD的4个内角的和为360°,且角A=角C,则AB与CD是什么位置关系?AD与BC呢?请说明理由.A_________ BC_________D 图片不能打出来 能看懂的吧?求教 是不是要在图里加东西? 已知:如图AB=CD,AD=BC,(1)∠A与∠C相等吗,∠B与∠D呢?请说明理由(2)试说明AD//BC,AB//CD图传不上来一个平行四边形,左上A,右上D,左下B,右下C 英语,根据首字母提示写完句子,单项选择,用方框里的单词的适当形式填空根据首字母提示完成句子1、This is the b____ of tour2、I _____ we are hungry,we can go to the restaurant3、Class 1 is ciean,but Class 2 is d__ It's going to rain._____take an umbrella with you?A.Let'sB.Why notC.You'd betterD.nobody答案是B还是C? 划分句子成分"you'd better take an umbrella with you,for it's going to rain" It is going to rain you ___take you umbrella with you.a、had better tob、would rather toc、would ratherd、had better 第五题求解,谁第一个回答我评论他(她) 按首字母填空句子,英语two g__ are standing at the gate.my o__ is quite close to yours.the box is e__,there is nothing in it 大一如何规划数学 英语句子根据首字母填空what is the weather like in autumn here?it is the b__ season here.it is c___ and usually s____ sometimes it is w_____ 英语根据首字母填空(句子)There was a m____in our country last week,and three persons were m_____ 英语句子,根据首字母填空.There's a Huangshan m( ) in AnhuiHave you got a( ) books?Thanksgiving is m( )favourite festivalWe all go to see the Dragom boat r( )Can I w( ) FrenchThey s( ) in the winterI s( ) drink teaDon't t( ) in the libraryTh 英语首字母填空和句子填空根据首字母填空.1.Are you watching TV at the m______.2.I'm very hungry now,I need to a r______.完成下列句子.1.那家购物中心共有六层楼的店铺,每层都很大.There are _____ _____ _____ _____ You'd better take an umbrella in case that 如果表达的是真实语气 后面加it will rain 还是加 it rains I will take my umbrella just in case it should rain.为什么要用“should”? Take an umbrella with you in case of ___. A it rains Bthe rain C rain D raining 答案选C,为什么?麻烦高选手解释一下选各个选项的意思. 一架飞机最多能在空中飞行4.5小时.飞出时每小时行800千米,返回时每小时1000千米,问这架飞机最多飞出(接上)去多远就该返回?急,用方程算术都行, You should take an umbrella in case it rains.=You should take an umbrella _____the rain为什么 全部,缺几个也没关系!急,有的快来 1+(﹣2)+(﹣3)+4+5+(﹣6)···+2008+2009 现在! 哈师大数学系大一到大四都学什么要详细点的.上下学期/.. 小弟是一名化学工程与工艺的准大一,在西南石油大学,有大神能告诉我大一大二要学数学的哪些内容呢?越仔细越好 大一数学学什么? Do you think it (will/is going to)rain this afternoon I (not think)it's going to rain this afternoon It is going to rain this afternoon.I think.(改为含有宾语从句的复合句) He doesn't think ________ rain this afternoon.it won'tit's going toif it's going towhether it's to