
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:01:37
单句改错Tom walked to the market,his pet dog was following him. A girl whose mother is a history teacher.这句话是名词性从句吗 the girl went collage .her mother is a teacher 合成一句有先行词和引导词! 533.Please hold us covered for the cargo listed on the attached sheet.hold us 是什么意思 求itouch4的背单词工具求可以考研英语单词背的,和雅思背单词的软件,可以装在itouch4里的 英语根据音标写词语 CORNER与at in on 搭配有什么区别哪个是指里头角落哪个指外头的 “Come on My friend ”什么意思,别说是加油朋友,具体点吧,不具体不采纳哦 选词填空 can can'tDucks____________fly.Birds_____________swing.Ducks____________swim.I________________cat the trees.Pandas__________climd trees. sound of my 还有歌词的中文翻译 clubringer sound of my smooth soft bear my teddy is and 连词成句 女声,疑似西班牙语歌,一开始是英文的“oh please baby let me know how this sunshine in your eyes~”一开始是英文的“oh please baby let me know how this sunshine in your eyes~”,然后之后就是外语(疑似西班牙语) The rainy season makes ____ impossible to continue with the repair work.A./ B.them C.that D.it解析: The train is running fifty miles ______.  A.anThe train is running fifty miles ______.  A.an hour B.one hour C.the hour D.a hour 为什么答案是a?h应该是辅音字母歌哈 比如他的BAD 这首歌迈克尔杰克逊唱歌的时候 唱到COME ON这个词 怎么念xiong mo 我有想过是连读 或者是俚语 在或者是自创的 方大同翻唱这首歌时 也这么读 这就更纳闷了 世界上有哪个名胜古迹可以和秦陵兵马俑相媲美 我国的名胜古迹和他们的省份 The dog ran loose on the streetloose是形容词,为什么可以用在run后面? 分析句子成份 There was a note attached to the parcel.attached to the parcel.是过去分词短语做表语补足语么? on the way + to + 名词 对不?on the way + (×)+ 副词 对不?例如:on my way homeon the way to his home 把“格林先生昨天被老板解雇了”翻译为英语(用上dismiss) succeed in( )填 to do/do/doing 英语翻译全文如下:诸位好,我们五个人是来自英国曼彻斯特的"BLUE"乐队,这次很高兴受李小姐之邀来到里,为诸位表演.希望借由我们的歌声,把"爱"传递给大家..下面介绍我们的成员:XXX..XXX.XXX.XXX. Alone的副词 关于副词作定语的问题the kind people 而不能是the people kindly而却可以the table below那就是说,不是所有副词都可以做后置定语,还是说,不是副词和所有名词都能搭配做后置定语?还是其他? 英语中副词可以做定语吗?语法书上说时间、地点副词可以,我疑惑了,定语的定义是什么? 副词可以作后置定语吗 come on 意思 英语翻译从美国、日本、德国等发达国家金融业经营体制的变迁可以看出,金融业分业与混业经营模式的选择问题一直困扰着各国金融监管当局.二十世纪全球的金融业经历了一系列深刻的变 those watches are their.哪里有错误? l am very happy to have been a tough who knows?I am most sad is that most of my time thinking of yam very happy to have been a tough who knows?I am most sad is that most of my time thinking of you and you can not embrace.