
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 04:16:58
Over time international arbitration has become a lengthy process and,in an increasing number of cases,even lengthier than,and as expensive as,American-style litigation.这句英文译成中文是什么意思?主要侧重于法律方面的译文, 请问这句英文译成中文是什么意思.该怎么回答他呢?The coast from Tohoku area to near Tokyo were affected by tsunami since it occured in the Pacific.Tokyo was hit by earthquake too but little affected by earthquake itself. 님이 게임에서 나가셨습니다 请问高一数学要学几本书撒 The minute you think of giving up,think of the reason why you held on so long.怎么翻译 和正式录取有什么区别? 拟录取是什么意思啊 拟录取时什么意思? 这句话译成中文是什么意思?I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST WEEKEND ! No man or woman is worth your tears ,and the one who is won't make you cry 懂英语进,这句话译成中文是什么意思I'm in pass time.Can I turn Back 请问这段话译成中文是什么意思?I'm kidding,not too bad,and I also should apologize to you for my a little rude.and I think,from now on,perhaps,we can become good friends,so first ,what are you from 拉哪里的反义词 下雨拉的反义词是什么 英语 根据句意和首字母完成句子1.What would you like to d__,orange jiuice or some tea.2.There's no food in the fridge.Till you go s__ with me?3.I'm going to s__ at home and I__ to music. tata young唱i think of you歌词我找很久啦`=.= 谁有tata young的i think of you .要下好的. 谁有 tata young的i tink of you的歌词 定字去掉宝盖头读什么?拜托各位大神 英语翻译人文北京 绿色北京 科技北京 这三个北京有没有官方的英文说法,有的话,请注明出处. 京路翔(北京)交通科技有限公司怎么翻译成英文 0865译成中文是什么意思 "03456"译成中文是什么意思?这是我女友问的,你给我帮忙答上了, 说出一个关于诸葛亮的一副对联一个故事一句古诗词 是聪明人就进来!m为正整数,已知二元一次方程组mx+2y=10和3x-2y=0,即x,y均为整数,则m*m得值是多少? 翻译英语 "水暖(暖通)工程师","土建工程师","销售AE" 化学有关铝的反应方程式及其对应图像要对应图像!一共八个。 是有关溶液互滴的 铝盐能否与强碱反应?比方说硫酸铝能与氢氧化钠反应吗?(如果能,请写下方程式) 赞美中华民族的四字词语 英语翻译随着低温地板辐射采暖在我国日益广泛的应用,各种辐射采暖材料也蓬勃发展起来.如何选取材料对辐射采暖的效率影响巨大,越来越多的公司集团在纷纷引进国外研究材料的同时也不 英语翻译Optimization of ventilation system design and operation in office environment, 下面是家庭酿酒的具体操作过程: 先将米煮熟,待冷却至30℃时,加少许水和一定量的酒曲,与米饭混匀后置于瓷坛内(其它容器也可).在中间挖一个洞,并且需将酿酒的器皿加盖密封.若天气