
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 22:41:17
有一批图书总数在1000本内,如果按24本书包成一捆,最后一捆差2本;如果按28本书包成一捆,最后也是差2本 思考题 有一批图书总数在1400本以内,若按24本书包成一捆,最后一捆差2本,若按28本包一捆,也差两捆,若32本书包成一捆,最后一捆是30本.这批图书有多少本? 有一批图书,总数在1000以内.若按24本书包成一捆,最后一捆差2本;若按28本书包成一捆,最后一捆差2本;若按32本书包成一捆,最后一捆差2本.这批图书有多少本? what day is it today?用It's Monday还是用It's on Monday? 今天是几月几号的翻译方法有几种 what's the date today?what date is it today?这二种可以吗? [ ]it,s monday [a what day is it today][b what ,s the time ][ 这个英语句子的结构是怎样的,如何翻译?on the other hand, there is still considerable debate about malcolm's views of other African-American leaders, the circumstances surrounding his death, and what he might have done had he lived.这 英语翻译中文:坐在门旁边的那个男人是我父亲.英文:the man near the door is my father.我不解的是在英文中地点不是要放在句子末尾的吗?我也问过老师,老师说的很简单,说这里的near the door是介词 It's Monday.这个句子对不对?还是It's Monday today. 已知方程4x十2m二3x十2m和方程3x十2m=6x十1的解相同,求m的值. 6X^2+3X-10=0,这个方程怎么解?我知道用十字相乘法,请说清楚点十字相乘法怎么用? 一批图书将近300本,如果24本包成一捆,或36捆,都正好捆成整捆,这批书共有几本? 甲数是5分之2,乙数是甲数的倒数,丙数是甲,乙两数的积,则丙数是 甲、乙两数互为倒数,丙数是甲、乙两数积的2/5,丙数是( ). 甲乙丙三个数,甲乙两个数互为倒数,丙是甲乙两数的积的十一分之十,丙是多少? 英语翻译with the biggest rainfall in years in southern parts of china the leading cause of the flood,clogged drainage systems along with other factors are complicating the country's flood prevention efforts.这句句子比较长,它的句子结 英语翻译Russia’s public finances are also much healthier than those of many of the countries against which it is pitted over Ukraine. 英语翻译Who in the books includes everybody from science-fiction superman two hundred centuries in the future all the way back to the first figures in history; How covers everything from the ingenious explanations of Sherlock Holmes to the discov 英语翻译The types of networks that are involved,are they all things that you could have,I guess,predicted genesthat would have been expressed together or metabolites that would have gone up and down together orare there some surprises in the data 英语 分析句子结构加翻译The temptation is to fouse solely on school work attention to other activities. [(6.1-4.6)÷0.8-1]×0.4可以简便就简便计算(递等式) It's Monday today.(对划线部分提问)划线部分是Monday 英语解答:Today is Monday.(划线提问)______ _______ _______ ______today? lt's Monday today.(划线提问Monday) It's (Monday) today.对括号里的提问( ) ( )is it today? 甲乙两书的和乘以两数的差,积等于89,求甲乙两数直接相乘的积 如果甲、乙两书之和为2a,差为2b那么这两个数的积是什么 互为倒数的两书之积为? 有一批图书,总数在1000本以内,若按24本书包成一捆,最后一捆差2本书;若按28本书包成一捆,最后一捆还是差2本书;若按32本书包成一捆,最后一捆仍差2本书.这批图书有多少本? 15.5*8.2-0.72 用递等式计算 递等式计算:9.6-48×1/9÷4.8 It's Monday the 14th today.(对画线部分提问)画线部分就是从Monday到14th