
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/26 13:46:08
maybe it would be better if i will first call your mother.maybe it would be better if i will(would) first call your mother.也许我先你妈打电话会更好.那地方是用 will还是would我没懂你的讲解.我跟你说下我的意思吧.我还 we would better set off,or it will be dark___________(还不等我们意识到).(know) They sit in the classroom ______ theirThey sit in the classroom ______ theirteachers.A.listen to B.to listen C.listening to 期末考~急they sit in the classroom listening to the teacher.为什么不用to listen The students( )English now.选项一:are listening 选项二:are listening to 小公务员之死的主题是什么 宋江有什么故事 小公务员之死的内容简介 请用请用50个字介绍寓言故事的主要内容,至少要3个寓言故事的主要内容,每个的主要内容不少50个字. 原生词单音节词 离离原上草,一岁一枯 荣;野火烧不尽,春风吹又生.”这是唐代诗人白居易的古离离原上草,一岁一枯荣;野火烧不尽,春风吹又生.”这是唐代诗人白居易的古诗《赋得古原草送别》的诗句 ,请 函数的性质 有点不懂 函数基础题不懂若f(x)=x²-根号2,则f【f(根号2)】等于? ①:-I'll go to the party at school tomorrow evening.Can we go together?-Sorry,I can't.My grandma________(come over).②:-May I borrow your blue blouse?-Yes,u can borrow it.It'll look good on u.I__________(wash)it right now.Keys:is coming(用现 高一英语课本答案RT,哪里有呢? 但看不懂(急)在函数f(x)=ax²+bx+c中,若a,b,c成等比数列,且f(0)=-4,则f(x)有最__值为__设b=aq,c=aq²,则f(x)=ax²+aqx+aq²又f(0)=-4 所以aq²=-4因为q²>0,所以a<0[这里不懂]故f(x)有最大值, 高一英语书主编 白居易写《赋得古原草送别》时几岁 草是白居易几岁写的 白居易写,草,是几岁写? 白居易写《琵琶行》时几岁? 白居易几岁 learning at high school is more structured than learning at universityOutline one similarity and two differences between them.最好是在structure上的相同和不同,还有题目中的high school和university 是指国外的,不是中国的. Every year,more and more students become volunteers.The projects may be with their school,neighborhood,or town,but the work of all volunteers is important.Students find that there are many advantages to volunteering.First,volunteering helps others.Ma university students ,like grade-school students ,can gain much more from lectures...like grade-school students 是插入语吗? find+sb./ sth+doing / done,什么时候用doing,什么时候用done?用doing 和done 的时候有什么区别?例如,when he work up,he found himself locked in the room.这里用locked 是表过去还是表被动? she is ( )busy these days.only real really well 选一个 《欧也妮·葛朗台》中,葛朗台死后,欧也妮又发生了哪些故事,请简要概括 简述《欧也妮 葛朗台》的故事为什么说葛朗台占有金子,却是金子的奴隶? real 和really哪个后面可以 加形容词 再加一个名词呀还有...real是修饰名词的么 really是修饰动词的么 那个可以加形容词呀例: 是really good还是real good? 函数数学高手请进不懂勿回答1.设f(x)=lg3 求f(x+1)-f(x-2)2.为什么y=3log@x = y=logax3次方为什么 y=x = y=2的log2x方快者准确者得分 简述《欧也妮 葛朗台》的故事内容约50字左右