
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 11:56:57
But under no circumstances are you to take my sone there.“are you”是什么用法? SAT一道关于现在完成时的语法题OC4section5T2:First run in 1867 and still taking place every summer,the Belmont Stakes,a horse race for thoroughbred three-year-olds,((was)) one of the oldest races in the United States.(B) is(E) ha 问一个关于过去时和过去完成时的问题.什么时候只能用过去完成时?什么时候过去时或者过去完成时都行?1.My mom never received the telegram that I ______(send) to her.2.Mary brought the CD's I ______ (ask) for.这 问个简单的语法问题(过去时和现在完成时)I've worked for that company two years.I worked for that company two years.这两句话除了时态不同还有什么不同,我想问的是,在理解起来有什么不一样?如果在两个 and的缩写“&”怎么读?我听好多电视剧上把&说成“han(拼音)”,但是有个电视叫“you&me",就把"&"读成"an(拼音)"就像"水和云",是读成"shui han yun",还是"shui an yun"?很多电视剧都读成“han”的。 & (and)简写 英语翻译which thing you choose to go outside your city?请大家帮忙翻译这句话,没有上下文,就是书上的一个问题我问了一些朋友,答案都不一样有人说你出城选择去做什么有人说你出城选择什么交通工 sat语法,为什么不是过去时 Are there any pets in the family? 巫妖王之怒英文怎么说 哪位朋友知道什么是rollover relief啊在学营业税时学到一个 rollover relief ,怎么看都不懂,哪位朋友知道请告知, there___several fish on the platea:are b:is c:has d:have 首字母填空 Running cycling and swimming is a sport called t( ). (根据句意及首字母提示补全单词)HOW q_____ he is running!“q____ ” 填 quick 还是quickly 再不然是其他哪种形式? 选哪个,请给出原因.A.Thinking B.To be viewed C.Viewed D.Considering__________as one fo the most talented artist in European history,Van Gogh couldn't have sold a single work without his brother's assistance. A peace settlement now seems a long way off.求翻译 They gave me some cards and presents.同义句!是give,不是gave AS FOR ONE DAY 歌词 你们有两个彩色电视机吗?(请用英语回答, 沈复《闺房记乐》中 余闲居,案头瓶花不绝.见者无不称绝.”‘见者无称之不绝’的原因是什么? “As for one day”应该怎么翻译 一首英文DJ歌词有 seven seven seven follow me 请问rest for one 请问rest for one day!relax my self请问rest for one day!relax my 星球大战的故事发展顺序应该是怎么样的 星球大战英文介绍求几段星球大战的英文介绍,不要太复杂,简单易懂,适于用来演讲的那种 on relief的意思 on relief 什么意思 On Earthquake Relief volunteer要求如下:英语作文1.今年许多青年志愿者赴四川重庆等地抗震救灾2.参与支援者活动的意义3.你的看法 没锁TAG是什么意思B站的 什么意思? tag什么意思 Some boat's a----- in the river.请问A和后面什么单词? me能造什么句